Do you know how easy it is to take a bribe? Very. No one follows the dots regularly. Maybe the oligarch pass through (who remembers #WilburRoss and #AlphaBank ) and maybe that explains the #LindsayGraham all the drunk tears, and all the other crazy rabid loyalty.
#lindsaygraham #alphabank #wilburross
Do you know how easy it is to take a bribe? Very. No one follows the dots regularly. Maybe the oligarch pass through (who remembers #WilburRoss and #AlphaBank ) and maybe that explains the #LindsayGraham all the drunk tears, and all the other crazy rabid loyalty.
#lindsaygraham #alphabank #wilburross
But what happened about: #DeutscheBank ? #AlphaBank ? The revised text by #Pence before validating the elector tally on #Jan6?
#deutschebank #Jan6 #pence #alphabank
We weten dat #realbiggestloser #biggestloser het niet kon tegenhouden ondanks #backchannel met #alphabank van amigo vladimir
Nog veel vragen rond raketinslag in Polen, wat weten we nu?
#alphabank #Backchannel #BiggestLoser #realbiggestloser
Moody's upgrades the BCAs of $ALPHA $TPEIR and the seniors of $ERB $ETEGA out of the blue, as the banking team has somehow decided to upgrade the operating environment to moderate-, without a sovereign upgrade or even change of sovereign outlook taking place. keeps $ERB $ETEGA at positive outlook, hinting at BCA upgrades in the near future.
#greekbanks #nationalbankofgreece #alphabank #eurobank #piraeusbank
#greekbanks #nationalbankofgreece #alphabank #eurobank #piraeusbank