Gizmodo: Ticks Are Giving Tons of Americans an Allergy to Red Meat #amblyommaamericanum #healthmedicalpharma #alphagalsyndrome #ixodesholocyclus #ixodesscapularis #foodallergies #scottcommins #immunesystem #allergology #immunology #centralus #allergy #tick
#amblyommaamericanum #healthmedicalpharma #alphagalsyndrome #ixodesholocyclus #ixodesscapularis #foodallergies #scottcommins #immunesystem #allergology #immunology #centralus #allergy #tick
So it’s confirmed: I am in the unenviable position of having contracted Alpha Gal Syndrome. It’s a tick-borne illness that makes those infected allergic to mammal meat/products. It’ll be an adjustment for sure. I don’t usually share health info, but this is such an unusual disease I feel like it makes sense to talk about it. Side note: primate meat is, apparently, fine #TheMostDangerousGame #AlphaGal #AlphaGalSyndrome #MeatAllergy #UnusualDiseases #meat #mammals
#themostdangerousgame #alphagal #alphagalsyndrome #meatallergy #unusualdiseases #meat #mammals
Given the fact that I’ve potentially contracted alpha gal syndrome (will know after blood work comes back tomorrow), I am trying out PLNT’s vegan burger. Not bad at all! #AlphaGal #AlphaGalSyndrome #MeatAllergy #tick
#alphagal #alphagalsyndrome #meatallergy #tick
Alpha-gal Syndrome: The Meat Allergy Caused by a Tick | HowStuffWorks
One bite from a lone star tick might have you eating veggie burgers for life.
#alphagalsyndrome #ticks #tickbites #lonestartick
#EntomologyConsult: a patient gets itchy red reactions when bitten by ticks. They’ve heard that tick bites can lead to red meat allergy so get checked. The blood test looking for IgE to #AlphaGal is positive. Does this mean that they have #AlphaGalSyndrome? (My response below)
#entomologyconsult #alphagal #alphagalsyndrome
Researchers warn #tickbites could cause #redmeat #allergy to meat #alphagalsyndrome
#alphagalsyndrome #allergy #RedMeat #tickbites
Researchers warn #tickbites could cause #redmeat #allergy to meat #alphagalsyndrome
#alphagalsyndrome #allergy #RedMeat #tickbites
Researchers warn #tickbites could cause #redmeat #allergy to meat #alphagalsyndrome
#alphagalsyndrome #allergy #RedMeat #tickbites