Radirgy is probably the closest existing shmup that visually nails what I'm envisioning. Been really enjoying playing that as research. #AlphaOmega https://youtu.be/hkwL6rLUPow?t=328
Alpha & Omega will be a vertical scrolling shmup using 3D low poly models likely with cel shading. Sci-fi themed! #AlphaOmega
today begins the research phase of Alpha & Omega, the shmup I'm going to begin working on soon. researching and studying a bunch of games in the genre & other inspirations #AlphaOmega
"YO TENGO UN YO" [Escrito Por HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #light #luz #i #yo #have #tener #ilnaoexeo #valiente #brave #yellow #amarillo #first #primera #third #tercera #angels #angeles #display
#display #angeles #angels #tercera #third #primera #first #amarillo #yellow #brave #valiente #ilnaoexeo #tener #have #yo #i #luz #light #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"I HAVE AN I" [Written By HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #light #luz #i #yo #have #tener #ilnaoexeo #valiente #brave #yellow #amarillo #first #primera #third #tercera #angels #angeles #display
#display #angeles #angels #tercera #third #primera #first #amarillo #yellow #brave #valiente #ilnaoexeo #tener #have #yo #i #luz #light #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"RED DESTINO" [Escrito Por HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #light #luz #darkness #oscuridad #destiny #destino #destiny2 #destinos #grid #red #outfitgrid #awareness #despertar #cycle #ciclos #now #ahora #angel
#angel #ahora #now #ciclos #cycle #despertar #awareness #outfitgrid #red #grid #destinos #destiny2 #destino #destiny #oscuridad #darkness #luz #light #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"DESTINY GRID" [Written By HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #light #luz #darkness #oscuridad #destiny #destino #destiny2 #destinos #grid #red #outfitgrid #awareness #despertar #cycle #ciclos #now #ahora #angel
#angel #ahora #now #ciclos #cycle #despertar #awareness #outfitgrid #red #grid #destinos #destiny2 #destino #destiny #oscuridad #darkness #luz #light #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"REVERENCIA TU SER" [Escrito Por HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #light #luz #darkness #oscuridad #self #uno #ser #being #future #futuro #think #pensamientos #understanding #entendimiento
#entendimiento #understanding #pensamientos #think #futuro #future #being #ser #uno #self #oscuridad #darkness #luz #light #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"BOW TO SELF" [Written By HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #light #luz #darkness #oscuridad #self #uno #ser #being #future #futuro #think #pensamientos #understanding #entendimiento
#entendimiento #understanding #pensamientos #think #futuro #future #being #ser #uno #self #oscuridad #darkness #luz #light #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"CARNE ILLUMINATI" [Escrito Por HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #light #luz #darkness #oscuridad #illuminati #illuminaticonfirmed #meat #carne #ilnaoexeo #eye #ojos #joke #chistes #money #dinero #yo #i #none
#none #i #yo #dinero #money #chistes #joke #ojos #eye #ilnaoexeo #carne #meat #illuminaticonfirmed #illuminati #oscuridad #darkness #luz #light #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"ILLUMINATI MEAT" [Written By HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #light #luz #darkness #oscuridad #illuminati #illuminaticonfirmed #meat #carne #ilnaoexeo #eye #ojos #joke #chistes #money #dinero #yo #i #none
#none #i #yo #dinero #money #chistes #joke #ojos #eye #ilnaoexeo #carne #meat #illuminaticonfirmed #illuminati #oscuridad #darkness #luz #light #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"MIRA A CRISTO" [Escrito Por HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #light #luz #dark #oscuro #look #mira #christ #cristo #psychic #psiquico #war #guerra #energy #energia #peace #paz #safe #seguro
#seguro #safe #paz #peace #energia #energy #guerra #war #psiquico #psychic #cristo #christ #mira #look #oscuro #dark #luz #light #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"LOOK AT CHRIST" [Written By HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #light #luz #dark #oscuro #look #mira #christ #cristo #psychic #psiquico #war #guerra #energy #energia #peace #paz #safe #seguro
#seguro #safe #paz #peace #energia #energy #guerra #war #psiquico #psychic #cristo #christ #mira #look #oscuro #dark #luz #light #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"TU CONSCIENCIA" [Escrito Por HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #light #luz #dark #oscuro #your #tu #consciousness #consciencia #moon #luna #sun #sol #life #vida #water #agua #experience #experiencia
#experiencia #experience #agua #water #vida #life #sol #sun #luna #moon #consciencia #consciousness #tu #your #oscuro #dark #luz #light #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS" [Written By HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #light #luz #dark #oscuro #your #tu #consciousness #consciencia #moon #luna #sun #sol #life #vida #water #agua #experience #experiencia
#experiencia #experience #agua #water #vida #life #sol #sun #luna #moon #consciencia #consciousness #tu #your #oscuro #dark #luz #light #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"SUFRIMIENTOS FINES" [Escrito Por HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #light #luz #dark #oscuro #ending #fin #suffering #sufrimiento #souls #alma #crying #llorar #vibration #vibracion #changinglives #cambios
#cambios #changinglives #vibracion #vibration #llorar #crying #alma #souls #sufrimiento #suffering #fin #ending #oscuro #dark #luz #light #blancoynegro #BlackAndWhite #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"SUFFERING ENDINGS" [Written By HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #light #luz #dark #oscuro #ending #fin #suffering #sufrimiento #souls #alma #crying #llorar #vibration #vibracion #changinglives #cambios
#cambios #changinglives #vibracion #vibration #llorar #crying #alma #souls #sufrimiento #suffering #fin #ending #oscuro #dark #luz #light #blancoynegro #BlackAndWhite #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"MÁS FINES" [Escrito Por HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #light #luz #dark #oscuro #end #fin #more #mas #thought #pensamientos #emotions #emociones #verbal #physical #fisico #response
#response #fisico #physical #verbal #emociones #emotions #pensamientos #thought #mas #more #fin #end #oscuro #dark #luz #light #blancoynegro #BlackAndWhite #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"MORE ENDS" [Written By HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #light #luz #dark #oscuro #end #fin #more #mas #thought #pensamientos #emotions #emociones #verbal #physical #fisico #response
#response #fisico #physical #verbal #emociones #emotions #pensamientos #thought #mas #more #fin #end #oscuro #dark #luz #light #blancoynegro #BlackAndWhite #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"COMPILADOR DE DIOS" [Escrito Por HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #light #luz #dark #oscuro #compiler #compilador #dios #god #trauma #knowledge #conocimiento #arcturian #arcturianos #friends #amigos #light #luz #human
#human #amigos #friends #arcturianos #arcturian #conocimiento #knowledge #trauma #god #dios #compilador #compiler #oscuro #dark #luz #light #blancoynegro #BlackAndWhite #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry