If we only get 3 players for #battletech today, I'm going to take a 600 point Wayward Son #alphastrike force (Magistracy, WoB Era) against 300 point WoB and Capellan forces.
It'll be a riot if it happens. Among other things, one guy's bringing minelayers, and I've got either a mobile long tom or an arrow 4 Demolisher, depending on the version of the list.
I really need to get around to painting up a full LAM set or two, and some just planes to act as aerospace support.
I noticed #Battletech #AlphaStrike has an optional rule for AS that is, effectively, Infinity’s silhouette rules, which I think are Necessary and Very Good.
So I doodled up some S markers for it. These three cover everything except Protomechs and Support Vehicles Size 4 and beyond.
The smaller ones fit inside the larger one, and are magnetized because I don’t like leaving a lily ungilded and so I can stick it in an A Case and it’ll hold still.
Received the second batch of neoprene terrain I had ordered. It's reasonably obvious that it's all ordered as a single large mat and cut by hand by Muse On tabletop.
The shapes and sizes are, however, MUCH better suited to #battletech #alphastrike than the ones from Hidden Forest Gaming. I ended up with a lot of bits from the latter that I'll probably never use, but combined with the alpha strike token pack it's a pretty good variety of portable terrain.
Went to the game store today, as is my wont, met one guy playing #battletech. Got one game of #alphastrike in, 3.5 hours, a good time for both of us, and we played a game that would have required ages to run in classic.
On his side: Twelve assorted mechs ranging from locust, commando, and wasp to warhammer and atlas. 300 points.
On my side: Four hover skimmers, four urbies (including artillery), and a C3 lance (Cyclops, Warhammer, Locust, Grasshopper)
I won 12 VP to 8, but it was bare.
Lovely game of #battletech #alphastrike today.. Friend is starting to see ways to improve as he learns more, and I have enough stuff now that we can just play during the week at my flat if we want, too.
A hold the line mission today, with him having a wobbie c3i level 2 and me having a second star league lance of vehicles and lance of mechs.
Got in my first game of #Battletech #AlphaStrike today (fun! fast! light!). Tomorrow, going to get in my first #warhammer40k 10E game (we’re gonna do Boarding Actions)
#battletech #alphastrike #warhammer40k
Clan Cloud Cobra Beta Galaxy Garrison Star. I picked a number of mechs that I hadn't yet painted, but I'm not really sure if some of them would be very common in Cloud Cobra units.
The Vapor Eagle is a really striking mech. I love the MG attachment on its left arm, and the cool shapes of its armor.
The Pack Hunter though... I've found I generally don't like mechs with the giant shoulder gun, but this one looks like a zombie too. Bleh. #BattleTech #AlphaStrike #paintingMiniatures
#battletech #alphastrike #paintingminiatures
A Marik Militia battle lance. This paint scheme seems like an odd choice of colors to me, red and blue on purple, but I really like it. I made a small mod to the Wasp, putting the SRM2 on the right shoulder, to turn it into the 3M model.
Orions are fun to paint, but wow, they look like a pile of junk that could just fall apart, and that left arm is huge and far too interesting to only be sporting a medium laser.
#battletech #alphastrike #mechwarrior #paintingminiatures
The Bull Shark is not a canon mech, but I hope that changes, because it is one ferocious looking beast! This one is part of the Minnesota Tribe with a touch of Clan Wolverine colors. It's a little shiny, but dullcote will fix that.
Also, in the Wolverines, I finally found a clan I kinda like. Of course, they were destroyed for being progressive and free-thinking... as much as that can apply to pre-3050 clan society.
#battletech #alphastrike #mechwarrior #paintingminiatures
Back to painting mechs. Here's a Snord's Irregulars striker lance painted in a desert/canyon camo. The new Penetrator design is one of the best updates from the new line of minis - I can't look at the old version and convince myself that it will even stay upright, much less walk.
#battletech #paintingminiatures #mechwarrior #alphastrike
#battletech #alphastrike didn’t come together tonight so we fell back on #spacebase a very fun #boardgame
#battletech #alphastrike #spacebase #boardgame
#battletech #alphastrike #catalystgamelabs #maketabletopgreatagain #mechforce #mechforcegermany #mechs #miniatureart #adventcalendar
#battlemech https://youtube.com/shorts/dtW-O3MzrJ0 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmzEpjzoWLH/ https://www.facebook.com/100021968154790/posts/pfbid027JASWQVgCe744f6C4UTMYXKqaVVFYfNcAFWgvRndB4AH1LF1ACx45GVwyifSNW7Ql/
#battlemech #adventCalendar #miniatureart #mechs #mechforcegermany #MechForce #maketabletopgreatagain #catalystgamelabs #alphastrike #battletech
#battletech #alphastrike #catalystgamelabs #maketabletopgreatagain #mechforce #mechforcegermany #mechs #miniatureart https://youtube.com/shorts/swboNfXD5e4 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmwf2GYsJQi/ https://www.facebook.com/100021968154790/posts/pfbid037FsLZh79S8DdMKhTtgM5unKAyJT9tJxBuACujM4B4xdqauCASPN6HEiJE3zqYyNgl/
#miniatureart #mechs #mechforcegermany #MechForce #maketabletopgreatagain #catalystgamelabs #alphastrike #battletech
#battletech #alphastrike #catalystgamelabs #maketabletopgreatagain #mechforce #mechforcegermany #mechs #miniatureart #battlemech https://youtu.be/HW3QbhdOyFA https://instagram.com/p/Cmt7DbwM_4e/ https://facebook.com/100021968154790/posts/pfbid0TX5cRoy8eDoQSBQaKx3BZ2jnMePBmvLzefK53dwn8zLwm8oGhKSd6L1Bv5cWsgNYl/
#battlemech #miniatureart #mechs #mechforcegermany #MechForce #maketabletopgreatagain #catalystgamelabs #alphastrike #battletech
#battletech #alphastrike #catalystgamelabs #maketabletopgreatagain #mechforce #mechforcegermany #mechs #miniatureart
Drei Displays Clan Invasion Salvage. Und nicht ein Mech war doppelt vorhanden. Das kenne ich aus den guten alten #Krosmaster Zeiten aber ganz anders. Fein dann habe ich jetzt auf dem Haufen der Hoffnung 11 Grundierte und 27 die bereit sind ihre erste Farbe zu erhalten.
#krosmaster #miniatureart #mechs #mechforcegermany #MechForce #maketabletopgreatagain #catalystgamelabs #alphastrike #battletech
#battletech #alphastrike #catalystgamelabs #maketabletopgreatagain #mechforce #mechforcegermany #mechs #miniatureart #adventcalendar
#battlemech https://advent.mechforce.de/ https://youtube.com/shorts/p_iFvQ0vNrY https://www.instagram.com/p/CmrWQS3MMiJ/ https://www.facebook.com/100021968154790/posts/pfbid04uuM3LyroHsfQNBsyKgXeG97LBgZxXNS6vpzvCs7Pzr6Gem2jV8613XoB1y7sMCBl/
#battlemech #adventCalendar #miniatureart #mechs #mechforcegermany #MechForce #maketabletopgreatagain #catalystgamelabs #alphastrike #battletech
#battletech #alphastrike #catalystgamelabs #maketabletopgreatagain #mechforce #mechforcegermany #mechs #miniatureart #adventcalendar
#battlemech https://advent.mechforce.de/ https://youtube.com/shorts/iCyxLjcqbyQ
#battlemech #adventCalendar #miniatureart #mechs #mechforcegermany #MechForce #maketabletopgreatagain #catalystgamelabs #alphastrike #battletech
#battletech #alphastrike #catalystgamelabs #maketabletopgreatagain #mechforce #mechforcegermany #mechs #miniatureart #adventcalendar
#battlemech #Advent #Kalender #Adventskalender https://advent.mechforce.de/ https://youtu.be/FDUUapFlg18
#adventskalender #kalender #advent #battlemech #adventCalendar #miniatureart #mechs #mechforcegermany #MechForce #maketabletopgreatagain #catalystgamelabs #alphastrike #battletech
#battletech #alphastrike #catalystgamelabs #maketabletopgreatagain #mechforce #mechforcegermany #mechs #miniatureart #adventcalendar
#battlemech #Advent #Kalender #Adventskalender https://advent.mechforce.de/ https://youtu.be/Y-50nox5sCw
#adventskalender #kalender #advent #battlemech #adventCalendar #miniatureart #mechs #mechforcegermany #MechForce #maketabletopgreatagain #catalystgamelabs #alphastrike #battletech