The Onion: Mark Wahlberg Claims 9/11 Would’ve Gone Down Differently If He Were In Al-Qaeda #entertainmentculture #abdullahyusufazzam #september11attacks #antiamericanism #osamabinladen #markwahlberg #warconflict #wahlberg #alqaeda #donnie #laden #ted
#entertainmentculture #abdullahyusufazzam #september11attacks #antiamericanism #osamabinladen #markwahlberg #warconflict #wahlberg #alqaeda #donnie #laden #ted
The Onion: Mark Wahlberg Claims 9/11 Would’ve Gone Down Differently If He Were In Al-Qaeda #entertainmentculture #abdullahyusufazzam #september11attacks #antiamericanism #osamabinladen #markwahlberg #warconflict #wahlberg #alqaeda #donnie #laden #ted
#entertainmentculture #abdullahyusufazzam #september11attacks #antiamericanism #osamabinladen #markwahlberg #warconflict #wahlberg #alqaeda #donnie #laden #ted
The Onion: Mark Wahlberg Claims 9/11 Would’ve Gone Down Differently If He Were In Al-Qaeda #entertainmentculture #abdullahyusufazzam #september11attacks #antiamericanism #osamabinladen #markwahlberg #warconflict #wahlberg #alqaeda #donnie #laden #ted
#entertainmentculture #abdullahyusufazzam #september11attacks #antiamericanism #osamabinladen #markwahlberg #warconflict #wahlberg #alqaeda #donnie #laden #ted
The Onion: Mark Wahlberg Claims 9/11 Would’ve Gone Down Differently If He Were In Al-Qaeda #entertainmentculture #abdullahyusufazzam #september11attacks #antiamericanism #osamabinladen #markwahlberg #warconflict #wahlberg #alqaeda #donnie #laden #ted
#entertainmentculture #abdullahyusufazzam #september11attacks #antiamericanism #osamabinladen #markwahlberg #warconflict #wahlberg #alqaeda #donnie #laden #ted
👎Vi sender brød, de sender bomber?
“Nu samler al-Qaeda atter kræfter, træner terrorister og gør klar til at kunne udføre nye angreb.
Det sker i Afghanistan under beskyttelse af terrorgruppens gamle forbundsfæller i Taliban, som med islamistisk jernhånd igen hersker landet, hvorfra al-Qaeda planlagde og koordinerede de terrorangreb, som rystede verden en septembermorgen i 2001.”
#taliban #FN #AlQaeda #afghanistan #terrorangreb #træningslejre #selvmordsbombning
#selvmordsbombning #træningslejre #terrorangreb #afghanistan #alqaeda #fn #taliban
Mali faces spectre of anarchy after demanding UN’s departure #AlQaeda #France #Mali #MaliJunta #Russia
#alqaeda #France #mali #malijunta #russia
Violence linked to #alQaeda and Islamic State group has made #BurkinaFaso a country with one of the world's fastest-growing populations of internally displaced people, with the number mushrooming by more than 2,000% since 2019, according to govt. data. #press
@dwnews_bot Along with fear/hate taught world-wide by #wahhabi #madrassas that fomented #isil and #alQaeda and the #ChristianNationalist movement to kill public schools in the US, religion is used to teach and instill #fascism into the worlds youth.
#wahhabi #madrassas #isil #alqaeda #ChristianNationalist #fascism
The Media Lies... Continually.
" truth, #Afghanistan hasn’t become a “#terrorism staging ground.” ....
Here are some things you’ll learn if you read this entire (washingtonpost) story and read it carefully:" #Taliban #ISIS #AlQaeda #Misinformation #Disinformation #InformationWars
'No, Afghanistan has not become a ‘staging ground for terrorists’
#afghanistan #terrorism #taliban #isis #alqaeda #misinformation #disinformation #informationwars
#Biden did virtually nothing to bring peace to Northern Ireland. The true heroes were #alQaeda
The financial controls introduced after the 9/11 attacks prevented people who thought they had historical ties to Ireland from donating to any cause which suggested it was helping the Irish.
Most funding for both sides in the troubles came from countries such as the #USA, Canada, Australia etc etc.
VP Harris Meets with President of #Ghana #KamalaHarris #Biden #Africa #China #Russia #ISIS #AlQaeda #politicaliq #news #politics
#Ghana #kamalaharris #biden #Africa #China #russia #isis #alqaeda #politicaliq #News #politics
A massive part of the past decade has been the cultivation of Ron Paul "Conservatarianism" within GOP culture, especially among the younger males that are the base of the base in all GOP bases.
A Ron Paul type has been marinating in Putinite propaganda since the 90s, because the origin of both schools is the same kind of goldbug revanchism, that's what both types always were.
So, as what was a 5% of GOP identity in 2008 is groomed and encouraged, it becomes a deeply problematic 40%. #AlQaeda
Alternative Facts
How the media failed Julian Assange
#JulianAssange #media #WikiLeaks #activism #US #UK #MiddleEast #afghanistan #pentagon #torture #HumanRights #EspionageAct #BarackObama #taliban #AlQaeda #DonaldTrump #WarCrimes
#julianassange #media #wikileaks #activism #us #uk #MiddleEast #afghanistan #pentagon #torture #humanrights #espionageact #barackobama #taliban #alqaeda #donaldtrump #warcrimes
Il leader di #AlQaeda nella penisola arabica, #HamadbinHamoudAlTamimi, è stato ucciso in un attacco aereo nel distretto di #Marib nello #yemen
#alqaeda #hamadbinhamoudaltamimi #Marib #yemen
RT @VanessaBeeley
Don't buy the #WhiteHelmet 'rescue' charade. Perfectly clean children after 6 days under rubble, photo shoot with #AlQaeda paparazzi. Perfect lighting, mood shot, no context in surroundings, no identification or location details. No family to greet child... etc etc. #Hollywood
#whitehelmet #alqaeda #hollywood
RT @VanessaBeeley
The #WhiteHelmets are not born again "saints". They are still embedded with #AlQaeda in #Idlib. Less than 3000 non-volunteers are receiving millions fm #CIA #MI6 agencies in #US #UK #EU #Qatar to restart military war against #Syria exploiting earthquake tragedy. #Criminals
#whitehelmets #alqaeda #idlib #cia #mi6 #us #uk #eu #qatar #syria #criminals