Screenshot of a tweet by @Kelseyoo on 2023-09-06:
I saw an IG Reel that said something along the lines of "women have no idea how often the men in their lives think about the Roman Empire."
So I asked my husband: "How often do you think about the Roman Empire?"
And without missing a beat he said "Every day."
YALL! Why!?
@malwaretech #AltText4U #Alt4U
Screenshot of Chrome’s message about this. It reads as follows:
Enhanced ad privacy in Chrome
We're launching new privacy features that give you more choice over the ads you see.
Chrome notes topics of interest based on your recent browsing history.
Also, sites you visit can determine what you like. Later, sites can ask for this information to show you personalized ads. You can choose which topics and sites are used to show you ads. [1/2]
A major commercial site should be able top add alt text to their images on Mastodon. Just sayin'.
Version modifiée du meme "Drake Don't Like/Like" où le chanteur est remplacé par Gabriel Attal.
Case du haut (Don't Like) :
- des 3000 postes d'enseignants toujours vacants
- de l'échec cuisant de la réforme du bac
- des 8 milliards de fonds publics alloués à l'enseignement privé
- de la suppression des 1 500 postes d'enseignants à la rentrée"
Case du bat (Like) :
"parler de l'abaya"
#alt4u Capture d’écran d’un échange sur LinkedIn.
Commentaire de Franck Barrailler
Le CO2 représente 0,04 % de la composition de l'atmosphère si je ne m'abuse. Est-ce réellement un problème ?
Réponse de Jean-Marc Jancovici
il faut beaucoup moins de 0,04% de cyanure dans votre corps pour vous tuer :)
Cette contribution de l’alt est proposée pour pallier au manque de contexte. Une personne aveugle peut aussi lire la réponse de JMJ, et pas juste le fait que JMJ répond.
@redfrog #Alt4U #AltText4U
Ce lendemain est arrivé. Le proviseur du Lycée Michel-Montaigne à Bordeaux a pris la même mesure et il a donné ces renseignements à Figaro :
Il n'est pas question d'imposer aux élèves un quelconque uniforme, mais ce que nous voulons bannir, c'est l'attitude volontairement originale, le snobisme "nouvelle vague" d'une minorité de jeunes qui n'a pas sa place dans un lycée sérieux. Ainsi sont particulièrement visées les coiffures fantaisistes,
But the work got done, and workers were taken care of. Jason was albino and legally blind and held price checks right up to his face, and was also a Paralympian, a sprinter; as a bag boy he made $12-14 an hour, which was double the minimum wage at the time. Cashiers and clerks started closer to triple the minimum wage.
They stayed because in the 1990s it was a retail job that was also a career. There were benefits and pensions and you could make $25 per hour, or about $46 an hour in today's dollars. Rosella was a kind and wise travel agent living below the poverty line; she picked up a cashier's job, was chosen to run the floral department, and all of a sudden she could afford her own apartment. She's been a florist, in and out of Safeway, ever since.
TARGET. Do you know what Target is? It's the white suburban nonsense mothership. It's where Live, Laugh, AND Love woke from their ancient slumber to walk the earth. It's where Karens swarm in a writhing orgy of mid-length khakis and big savings before molting, hunting redshirts not for sustenance but for the sheer joy of the kill, then crouching in the fell shadows of the decorative soaps endcap displays to spawn. [1/2]
@servelan @BlueWaveSurfer #Alt4U
Picture of side profile of Lindsey Graham on a black background. On the picture is set the text:
#ALT4you #alt4u une boîte de mouchoir de la marque "Kleenex - mindfulness collection"
person: he—
me: she
person: [condescendingly] well on us birth certific—
me: yeah it also says 7lbs 12oz (3.52 kg) and a lot has changed since then
She just left out the #alt4u tag. (Reader, scroll up.)
I think it's great but a lot of people understandably think they're being corrected and get their backs up.