Screenshot of a post with a photo below text. Photo shows a few mostly young and white people around a city intersection walking, kneeling by their dog, standing, etc (feels like a generated image).
Text reads: "Someone with a 1-hr car commute needs to earn 40% more to be as happy as someone with a short walk to work. On the other hand, if someone shifts from a long commute to a walk, their happiness increases as much as if they'd fallen in love." #CityMakingMath
@unionsolidaires #alt4you
Affiche de l'Union syndicale Solidaires reprĂ©sentant un mĂ©gaphone d'oĂč sort des Ă©clairs, des poings et des coeurs, avec Ă©crit "Cahier revendicatif 2023"
#Alt4You Photo of headphones and a phone displaying an eBook cover, The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library.
@adrienwalpole #alt4you
Photo d'Eric Zemmour, Christine Kelly et Marc Menant en train de rire aux Ă©clats.
@brian_gettler @histodons Image: Photo of book. Text on book cover: "Ned Blackhawk
The Rediscovery of America: Native Peoples and the Unmaking of U.S. History"
#alt4you #descriptivetext #accessibility
A mosaic panel showing an archer with a plumed helmet and a long red and gold cape on a white horse, drawing his bow against a tiger rearing on its hind legs on the right. Crawling on the ground underneath the horse is a second tiger. On the top left, a bird of prey flies behind the archer. There is some kind of script in the negative space inside the drawn bow [no translation provided].
3. Photo from the ground, showing the scale of the elephant towering above the trees from the people on the ground. Almost as a joke, there's a flagpole with an elephant on the flag, half the height of the elephant.
Architecture within the museum is standard Thai style - open-air food shop, bungalow museum buildings, what seems to be the elephant building having a red clay archaic temple style. It seems this is inwards to the left from the entrance area. Which, has two porcelain horses for some reason
4. Photo of the entrance of the elephant building from below. Maybe there isn't a second floor, it's just that rotunda and balcony, with a small raised height from the ground, balcony walls being the temple style. From here, the elephant doesn't seem to be looking at viewers, except maybe the main one looking down a bit. It's looking around at its height level. There's a lotus flower in the foreground
A supermarket shelf with four different flavours of "Ocean Bomb" mineral water, each featuring a Sailor Moon character. According to the stickers on the shelf they cost ÂŁ2.16 each and the flavours are Pomelo, Grapefruit, Cucumber and Strawberry.
@mostly_memes #ALT4you
scene from "the office" mockumentary, showing a big boss smiling and shaking the hand of Michael Scott, who looks unsettled.
On the big boss is written "people saying they admire me being able to be vegan since it's so hard"
On Michael is written "Me who had a bag of chips for dinner".
@contreattaque #alt4you
Affiche avec la photo de Bernard Arnault, et 2 encarts : 1) BFM Business "Restos du coeur: la famille de Bernard Arnault annonce verser une aide de 10 millions d'euros", 2) "Fake News : avec les dĂ©ductions d'impĂŽts, le don est de 3,33 millions d'âŹ, soit 0,0016% de sa fortune"
Twitter/X post saying: "The fact that Nazis can walk through Florida without concern for their safety while trans people have to flee the state should tell you everything you need to know about today's Republican Party."
Alt text is important, please remember to add some! @PleaseCaption can remind you to do so when you post. You can edit the post to add some Alt-Text.
@simonduteil #alt4you
Affiche de l'Union syndicale Solidaires sur laquelle est écrit "Nos mesures d'urgence : SMIC à 1700⏠net + 400⏠par mois pour toutes et tous, écart de salaires de 1 à 5 au maximum"
@jdskog #Alt4You
Notis frÄn Polisen
3 september 10:06, djur, Enköping
En ekorre har tagit sig in pÄ en psykiatrisk vÄrdinrÀttning.
Patienten blir först inte trodd men lyckas till slut övertyga personalen. Polisen kontaktas men dÄ ekorrar sÀllan Àr av polisiÀrt intresse hÀnvisar Polisen vidare till Kottecentralen.
Förtydligande kl 11.17
Kottecentralen Àr lika verklig som ekorren i Enköping. Den Àr baserad i Lilla Edet och arbetar med att ta hand om igelkottar och ekorrar.
@europesays #Alt4You
TextinlÀgg: "DÄ ska du sÀtta igÄng Two Towers för att tajma Hesa Fredrik med att Legolas sÀger "That is no orc horn"."
Netflix: 12:51:38
Extended: 12:14:59
NÀrbild pÄ Legolas och snett bakom honom Aragorn. Legolas tittar med intensiv blick lÄngt i fjÀrran.
@Reporterre #alt4you
Photo de 3 personnes sur une estrade avec micros et projecteurs tenant une affiche sur laquelle est Ă©crit "Moratoire sur les fermes-usines"
@contreattaque #alt4you
Affiche avec la photo de Bastien Chalureau (je suppose) avec 2 articles en encart : La DĂ©pĂšche "Pourquoi l'appel de Bastien Chalureau pour la Coupe du monde de rugby en France fait poĂ©mique", LibĂ©ration "Mort d'Aramburu: le monde du rugby dĂ©nonce un assassinat au motif d'idĂ©ologie d'extrĂȘme droite", et Ă©crit en dessous "Rugby, un raciste en coupe du monde"
#Alt4You: A graphic that just says "News from the U S Department of Labor" and has the seal of the USDoL.