Bicycling Monterey · @bikemonterey
151 followers · 402 posts · Server

In 1833, the government signed the Mexican Secularization Act of 1833, which secularized the missions and transferred ownership their estates from the Franciscan Order to the Mexican government.

The estancia was originally planned to be returned to the people, but instead, Governor Juan Bautista Alvarado gifted the land to Lieutenant Antonio del Valle in 1839, in recognition of his military service to . (3/5)

#mexican #tataviam #altacalifornia #santaclarita #californiahistory #indigenoushistory

Last updated 1 year ago

In 1804, they established an adobe (missionary ranching outpost) along the banks of the Santa Clara River near its confluence with Castaic Creek. The Estancia de San Francisco Xavier would provide much of the food the needed to grow into one of the most successful missions in . (2/5)

#estancia #mission #altacalifornia #santaclarita #californiahistory #indigenoushistory

Last updated 1 year ago

In 1804, they established an adobe (missionary ranching outpost) along the banks of the Santa Clara River near its confluence with Castaic Creek. The Estancia de San Francisco Xavier would provide much of the food the needed to grow into one of the most successful missions in . (2/5)

#estancia #mission #altacalifornia #santaclarita #californiahistory #indigenoushistory

Last updated 1 year ago

Morgan Fletcher :vbike: · @morgan
425 followers · 1808 posts · Server

I am a called _Boyhood Days_, edited & with an introduction by Dr. Albert Shumate, collecting the memories of Ygnacio Villegas, who was a boy in Alta before the . Let me tell you, this is a fascinating . Albert himself was interesting, but Ygnacio's memories are kind of mind-blowing. Here's Shumate's introduction:


#reading #book #california #goldrush #read #history #californio #altacalifornia #bajacalifornia #mexico #santaclara #monterey #sanjuanbautista

Last updated 2 years ago