I guess it depends on your frame of reference. To some, 1992 may seem like ancient history, but I started in 1975 when I built an #Altair8800 and CPUs were 8 bits. For many years it was called "hobby computing." Things were pretty advanced by the time Linux came along.
Also I'm going to keep the #Altair8800 offline for a little while. It does occasionally randomly crash from a bit flip, and it's been happening a little more frequently lately. This makes the floppy disk drive motors run non-stop until actually see and fix it, which makes me just a little nervous. I'll probably bring it back up eventually, but for now it's offline.
I loaded up the #Altair8800 core on the #MiSTer and gazed at it in wonder.
What would the geeks back then have made of an #FPGA becoming their treasure? :ablobcool:
Okay, yeah, so I got a #MiSTer
I couldn't resist it.
So far it's been a ridiculous amount of fun and it is SOOO much better than emulators, I can't even begin to explain.
Now I just need to learn how to program the #Altair8800
:ablobcatrainbow: :ablobcool: :ablobmeltsoblove:
#RetroComputing #FPGA #FieldProgrammableGateArray #TerasicDE10Nano #AlteraCycloneVSoC #A9Arm
#a9arm #alteracyclonevsoc #terasicde10nano #fieldprogrammablegatearray #fpga #retrocomputing #altair8800 #mister
Microsoft Returns to the Altair https://hackaday.com/2023/01/15/microsoft-returns-to-the-altair/ #Retrocomputing #altair8800
Microsoft Returns to the Altair - The Altair 8800 arguably launched Microsoft. Now [Dave Glover] from Microsoft offe... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/15/microsoft-returns-to-the-altair/ #retrocomputing #altair8800
I'm working on a presentation on #ChatGPT and #CoPilot for work, and I'm getting stuck in an endless cycle of "try to break the fucking #AI" and it's beating me without mercy.
For instance, I asked it to write a Fibonacci sequence function in Python, JS, and 6502 assembler. And then asked it to port it to PDP-11, and then the #Altair8800.
It did this.
But then I asked it how to program the Altair using just the front panel switches, and it obliged my painful request...
#chatgpt #copilot #ai #altair8800
Absolutely jesus christ that price. I would rather emulate the #Altair at this point instead of paying around $8000
#retrocomputing #retrotechnology #retro #altair8800 #altair
RT @museucapixaba@twitter.com
É hoje!
O Microsoft Altair BASIC de 1975
+em https://museucapixaba.com.br/hoje/microsoft-altair-basic-de-1975/
#MuseuCapixaba #mcc #éhoje #museu #retro #geek #tecnologia #capixaba #descubraoes #nodiadehoje #i8080 #Altair8800 #AltairBASIC #BillGates #Intel #Microsoft #MITS #PaulAllen #PDP10 #PopularElectronics
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/museucapixaba/status/1610018217832976384
#popularelectronics #pdp10 #paulallen #mits #microsoft #intel #billgates #altairbasic #altair8800 #i8080 #nodiadehoje #descubraoes #capixaba #tecnologia #geek #retro #museu #ehoje #mcc #museucapixaba
RT @museucapixaba@twitter.com
É hoje!
Bill Gates escrevia a carta aberta aos hobistas de 1975
+em https://museucapixaba.com.br/hoje/bill-gates-escrevia-a-carta-aberta-aos-hobistas-de-1975/
#MuseuCapixaba #mcc #éhoje #museu #retro #geek #tecnologia #capixaba #descubraoes #Altair8800 #AltairBASIC #ComputadorPessoal #ComputerNotes #HomebrewComputerClub #Microsoft #MITS
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/museucapixaba/status/1608768747162173441
#mits #microsoft #homebrewcomputerclub #computernotes #computadorpessoal #altairbasic #altair8800 #descubraoes #capixaba #tecnologia #geek #retro #museu #ehoje #mcc #museucapixaba
RT @museucapixaba@twitter.com
É hoje!
O Altair 8800 de 1974, o primeiro computador pessoal!
+em https://museucapixaba.com.br/hoje/computador-altair-8800-de-1974/
#MuseuCapixaba #mcc #éhoje #museu #retro #geek #tecnologia #capixaba #descubraoes #nodiadehoje #onthisday #Altair8800 #AltairBASIC #EdRoberts #ForrestMims #MITS #PopularElectronics
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/museucapixaba/status/1604778574346452992
#popularelectronics #mits #forrestmims #edroberts #altairbasic #altair8800 #onthisday #nodiadehoje #descubraoes #capixaba #tecnologia #geek #retro #museu #ehoje #mcc #museucapixaba
Turns out there were some bad (completely unreadable/unwritable) sectors on the #Altair8800 MBASIC disk. As far as I know I've restored everything. A notable change is that filenames that previously had lowercase characters are all uppercase now.
Here is a list of files that couldn't be read on the original disk, although it appears I've successfully restored all of them:
- 17oct.bas
Back in the day - when real men soldered together their own computers - we called it a "hobby computer". Also sometimes called a personal computer, but once the IBM PC came out, that term was forever tied to IBM & MS-DOS.
The #Intel8080 #emulator for the #PDP10 Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and Monte Davidoff used in 1974 to build the #BASIC interpreter for the #Altair8800:
#intel8080 #emulator #pdp10 #basic #altair8800
The #Intel8080 #emulator for the #PDP10 Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and Monte Davidoff used in 1974 to build the #BASIC interpreter for the #Altair8800:
#intel8080 #emulator #pdp10 #basic #altair8800
I love computers history, and these last two years I made two cross-platform emulators to go back in the past:
- 1975 : #Altair8800
Last year I made a 8080 + 88SIO serial board + teletype emulator, my goal was to run #Microsoft 4K #Basic
-1977 : Tandy Radio Shack #TRS80
This year I'm making a TRS-80 Model 1 emulator which is nearly ready for a release.
Here are two screenshots showing these emulators running the same Basic "sea war" game:
#altair8800 #microsoft #basic #trs80 #retrocomputing #emulation
Check out the "Altaid 8800" - a palm sized Altair 8800 clone based on a *real* 8800 processor (no Arduino / Pi etc.) created by Lee A. Hart - Read all about it here:
#altaid8800 #altair8800 #8800
Finally made a stream offline message for the Altair cam stream.
It'll come back (eventually)!
#altair #altair8800 #OnlineAltair8800
It's not *quite* the same as the YouTube stream, but hopefully it'll save a ton on bandwidth lol. It's a JPG stream that *should* last ~30 seconds at a time (but I'm not really doing it with an actual timestamp -- just by frame number and a delay between frames).
Now you can write (and run) programs using the LEDs again!
More info here, as always:
#altair8800 #AltairLive #AltairStream #altair
The #Altair8800 is back online!
Feel free to connect and play around!
`telnet mpcclub.info 8080`
More info: https://jebug29.sdf.org/altair.html
Even more info:
gopher://sdf.org/1/users/jebug29/altair (`g jebug29/altair`)