This explains why the home timeline of my other account is so boring. I definitely need to follow more. :)
Lascaux Cave is a Palaeolithic cave situated in southwestern France, near the village of Montignac in the Dordogne region, which houses some of the most famous examples of prehistoric cave paintings. #History #Altamira #CaveArt #LascauxCave
#lascauxcave #caveart #altamira #History
This is the largest of the Orioles in North America. The Altamira Oriole is a bird of Mexico and Central America whose range just reaches into southern Texas. Image captured along the Green Jay Trail at the Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park in Mission, Texas last March.
Young Altamira Oriole ©Debra Martz
#Altamira #Oriole #bird #birds #BirdsOfMastodon #Aves #featheredFriends #photography #PhotographyIsArt #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #TheArtDistrict #FediGiftShop
#altamira #oriole #bird #birds #birdsofmastodon #aves #featheredfriends #photography #photographyisart #BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #theartdistrict #fedigiftshop
Also, thanks to a new #BigBone snapshot, it is now possible to temporarily filter a hashtag, which will remove all posts containing it from the home timeline for a week.
This could be especially useful for event-style #hashtags that one might want to avoid while the event takes place, like the recent Eurovision Song Contest - or it could be a specific topic that a followed news account likes to post about.
It's been a while since I last posted, but I'm still making progress with #hashtag management in my app.
One thing is a full list of all encountered hashtags in the user's timeline, able to be sorted in different way, like "number of appearances", "newest/oldest first" or by the aforementioned "weight".
I stress-tested this weighting feature by following the most ubiquitous #hashtag I could think of - "photography".
Obviously, following that tag is not a good idea because it will absolutely flood your timeline. Still, some days after unfollowing the tag again, related topics already start to decay and never drowned out unrelated topics completely. I consider that a success.
After two weeks of testing this, some intermediate results:
Good: Technically, all of this works as expected - and I've already found content in my timeline that I probably would have never seen without this.
Not quite as good: Obviously, following one hashtag puts many related ones in the timeline as well, which then in turn are being counted and suggested. Part of the problem is that some people really cram a lot of #hashtags into their posts, bordering on spam.
Thanks to the new #BigBone snapshot, this feature is now up and running in my app:
1. home timeline is scanned for #hashtags regularly
2. a shortlist of interesting (new, oft-used) hashtags is presented to the user, allowing to follow.
3. hashtags are followed for one week, then unfollowed again. My hope is that this will put interesting content (and other hashtags) in the timeline for a while without polluting it forever.
Let's see how this works out.
Here's a mockup of what I'd like to do: for each #hashtag, the user can open a dialog, choosing to follow, filter or forget the tag.
Follow and Filter will be temporary actions, each lasting for a user-defined amount of time, perhaps a week, before unfollowing or deleting the filter again.
For me, this would be really useful, allowing me to peek into interesting topics for a while, without having to fear that all the followed tags and filters will pile up.
Altamira is a Paleolithic cave located in Santillana del Mar (Cantabria region) in northern Spain, containing prehistoric paintings. #History #Altamira #CaveArt #CavePainting
#cavepainting #caveart #altamira #History
Here's an example of how sharing one's #Mastodon account via #QRCode could look like.
A button brings up a dialog containing a QR code for your own account to share, and a button to scan a code of the other party. After scanning, the full account name is shown, allowing you to follow that account.
I’m thinking about adding a feature to my #Mastodon app allowing users to easily share their accounts with other people via QR code, similar to how #Threema handles this. Basically, scanning a code would bring up the app and allow following directly.
Would this be useful for anyone?
Integration of Remote-Sensing Techniques for the Preventive Conservation of Paleolithic Cave Art in the Karst of the #Altamira Cave
3D geographic information systems (GIS) give details like layer thickness, sinkholes, fractures, etc.
Now that the new #BigBone snapshot is out, I spent some time working on my app to help managing my #Mastodon follows.
Works like a charm: inactive accounts are put on a list, removed from that list if they become active again, and are eventually unfollowed if they stay on that list for too long.
Londoner solves 20,000-year Ice Age drawings mystery
#cavepaintings #lascaux #altamira
🇻🇪 #10Ago || ¡En defensa de Venezuela!
#TrabajadoresConLaPatria #YulimarRojas #Guaire #MarioSilva #Maracay #CiudadBolívar #Altamira #Lluvias #MetrodeCaracas #PedroCarreño #Venezolano #Merida #NuevaEsparta #Maturín
#10Ago #trabajadoresconlapatria #yulimarrojas #guaire #MarioSilva #maracay #ciudadbolivar #altamira #lluvias #metrodecaracas #pedrocarreno #venezolano #merida #nuevaesparta #maturin
📺 Un nuevo video de: Política Obrera"#Altamira Responde "¿Considera que la 1°GM posibilitó una Revolución de Octubre victoriosa?"" miralo en Youtube 👇