Caro S. · @Heidentweet
151 followers · 903 posts · Server

I'm now using , so I can see which images have an text and which don't. The only thing I haven't found yet is where I can see the toots on my own account.

#tusky #altbipoc

Last updated 2 years ago

Logan Grendel (any pronoun) · @focusedoninfinity
228 followers · 332 posts · Server

We need to learn to separate style and interests from Blackness. Because we are part of every culture and subculture America has to offer. We probably created them tbh. But narrowing what Blackness is to one particular thing is basically doing the work of supremacy for it. And we need that like we need a plastic bag over our heads.
Having had bad experiences being made fun of for what you enjoy is something that a lot of us understand, but also anyone who uses that as an excuse to eschew their Blackness is problematic as fuck. But it's a conversation we should have more because those of us who are able to move around fluidly between cultures are the connective tissue of this country and it should be appreciated more often.
Sometimes, it's easy to feel like you don't belong anywhere when you are a person of color but your style and interests do not match a lot of your peers. But it doesn't mean that you belong nowhere; it means you belong everywhere. You belong wherever the hell you want to be and you have the experience and versatility of character to go there. And we love that for you🖤

#blackcreators #blackness #blackrockers #blackgoth #AltBlack #bipoc #altbipoc #culture #WendellAndWild

Last updated 2 years ago