The mistake some make is they only watch #theNews, "just so I can talk to other people about it."
They open themselves up to be #indoctrinated daily with #mythicalNarratives, while rejecting #alternateSources, all for some mythical person they'll somehow impress at work, because they can regurgitate a few 3-word-slogans. Will she be so impressed she'll leave the husband, drown his kids, have your baby?
This carnal, bloodlust, meat-brain #newsCycle *is* a virus.
#mythicalNarratives #alternateSources #newsCycle #thenews #indoctrinated
It will be the task of a "small group" of people at Amazon, lets call them oracles, to define what is "#abusive", and a "#futureThreat".
Abuse is not rocket science. People have been managing it for literally decades on #theInternet already.
Another attack on #civilLiberties, by #BigTech to suppress #alternateSources of information.
If you use #Amazon services, even share them, it does make you complicit.
#deleteAmazon #freeAssange #informationWarfare #purgeBigTech #purgeMSM
#abusive #futureThreat #TheInternet #civilliberties #bigtech #alternateSources #amazon #deleteamazon #freeassange #informationwarfare #purgeBigTech #purgeMSM
It will be the task of a "small group" of people at Amazon, lets call them oracle's to define what is "#abusive".
Abuse is not rocket science. People have been managing it for literally decades on theInternet already.
Another attack on #civilLiberties, by #BigTech to suppress #alternateSources of information.
If you use #Amazon services, even share them, it does make you complicit.
#deleteAmazon #freeAssange #informationWarfare #purgeBigTech #purgeMSM
#abusive #civilliberties #bigtech #alternateSources #amazon #deleteamazon #freeassange #informationwarfare #purgeBigTech #purgeMSM