The mistake some make is they only watch , "just so I can talk to other people about it."


They open themselves up to be daily with , while rejecting , all for some mythical person they'll somehow impress at work, because they can regurgitate a few 3-word-slogans. Will she be so impressed she'll leave the husband, drown his kids, have your baby?

This carnal, bloodlust, meat-brain *is* a virus.

#mythicalNarratives #alternateSources #newsCycle #thenews #indoctrinated

Last updated 3 years ago

It will be the task of a "small group" of people at Amazon, lets call them oracles, to define what is "", and a "".

Abuse is not rocket science. People have been managing it for literally decades on already.

Another attack on , by to suppress of information.

If you use services, even share them, it does make you complicit.

#abusive #futureThreat #TheInternet #civilliberties #bigtech #alternateSources #amazon #deleteamazon #freeassange #informationwarfare #purgeBigTech #purgeMSM

Last updated 3 years ago

It will be the task of a "small group" of people at Amazon, lets call them oracle's to define what is "".

Abuse is not rocket science. People have been managing it for literally decades on theInternet already.

Another attack on , by to suppress of information.

If you use services, even share them, it does make you complicit.

#abusive #civilliberties #bigtech #alternateSources #amazon #deleteamazon #freeassange #informationwarfare #purgeBigTech #purgeMSM

Last updated 3 years ago