EMFs have become overwhelmingly prevalent in daily life! There is no true escape from them!
Electromagnetic Frequencies, or #EMFs, surround us in modern day & have a huge effect on our health. Taking necessary steps to avoid or limit EMFs can drastically help the healing process.
Take time away from your devices, limit Bluetooth as much as possible, turn WiFi off at night, & practice grounding to limit EMF exposure.
🛒 Want to check out EMF protection products? Go to Shop.ConnersClinic.com & search “EMF”
Learn more about the dangers of EMFs & how to avoid them by watching Episode 23 of #ConnersClinicLive with Lloyd Burrell located in the IGTV section of our profile OR click the link in our bio for more!
#ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #emfprotection #functionalnutritionist #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments
#EMFs #ConnersClinicLive #ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #emfprotection #functionalnutritionist #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments
“There are certain people that are much more negatively affected by EMFs than others.
Those with sensitivities to EMFs typically have defects on a certain family of genes.
A big part of EMF sensitivity has to do with if you have inflammation in the brain and any Microglial damage.”
— Dr. Kevin Conners
Stick around our account for another post on how you can avoid EMFs in your daily life! ⚡️
Check out Episode 23 of #ConnersClinicLive with Lloyd Burrell at https://www.connersclinic.com/23
#ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist #emfs #emfprotection
#ConnersClinicLive #ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist #EMFs #emfprotection
Let’s talk about anti-inflammatory foods!
What we eat has a large impact on our bodies.
Processed sugars & other high-glycemic starches increase #inflammation. They also raise blood sugar & feed cancer cells.
The best way to get your nutrition is through your food! Take a look at some anti-inflammatory foods that are filled with #nutrients & #antioxidants.
Want to learn more about anti-inflammatory foods?
Check out ConnersClinic.com/Blog & search “Inflammation” OR click the link in our bio!
#ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist
#inflammation #nutrients #Antioxidants #ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist
Let’s talk about anti-inflammatory foods!
What we eat has a large impact on our bodies.
Processed sugars & other high-glycemic starches increase #inflammation. They also raise blood sugar & feed cancer cells.
The best way to get your nutrition is through your food! Take a look at some anti-inflammatory foods that are filled with #nutrients & #antioxidants.
Want to learn more about anti-inflammatory foods?
Check out ConnersClinic.com/Blog & search “Inflammation” OR click the link in our bio!
#ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist
#inflammation #nutrients #Antioxidants #ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist
What is Transfer Factor L-Plus?
Transfer factors are immune messenger molecules comprised of amino acids. Research has shown that these peptides are produced in colostrum (not species specific) & is then passed on to babies through the pre-milk stage.
These molecules provide #ImmuneSupport by latching on to bad cells & acting as a marker, allowing the immune system to identify harmful threats much more effectively. They also have the ability to modulate the immune system, promoting Th1 & Th2 balance.
Other than providing one of the immune system’s first line of defense against invaders, this product also promotes metal chelation to prevent the buildup of chemicals.
🛒 Check out this amazing product at https://shop.connersclinic.com/products/transfer-factor-l-plus-60-capsules
#ConnersClinic #immunesupplement #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments
#immunesupport #ConnersClinic #immunesupplement #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments
Do not be anxious in anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6
#holistichealth #functionalmedicine #naturalhealth #cancer #foodismedicine #alternativehealth #alternativehealing #alternativemedicine #holisticwellness #holistichealer #holisticmedicine #beatcancer #herbology #naturopathy #homeopathic #alternativecancertreatments #alternativehealthcare #thetruthaboutcancer #ttac #ttav #medicalindustrialcomplex #alternativecancertherapy #cancertruth #easternmedicine #herbalists #homeopath #medicalfreedom #god #dailyscripture #bibleverses
#HolisticHealth #functionalmedicine #naturalhealth #cancer #foodismedicine #alternativehealth #alternativehealing #alternativemedicine #holisticwellness #holistichealer #holisticmedicine #beatcancer #herbology #naturopathy #homeopathic #alternativecancertreatments #alternativehealthcare #thetruthaboutcancer #ttac #ttav #MedicalIndustrialComplex #alternativecancertherapy #CancerTruth #EasternMedicine #herbalists #homeopath #medicalfreedom #god #dailyscripture #BibleVerses
Reduce stress related symptoms with Corti Clear!
Corti Clear is a unique supplement designed to support healthy cortisol levels in the body. With balanced cortisol levels, the body can maintain a healthy stress response.
The potential benefits from balancing cortisol levels with Corti Clear are endless. This can include reduced feelings of anxiety, increased relaxation within the body, enhanced working memory & cognitive capacity, improved sleep quality, & more.
Corti Clear’s ingredients include Ashwagandha, L-theanine, & banaba leaf, which all work synergistically to support the body’s natural functions.
Check out this amazing product at Shop.ConnersClinic.com
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #cortisol
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #cortisol
Happy New Year from the Conners Clinic family to you! ✨
We hope you have a year full of hope, health & happiness!
#ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist #newyear
#newyear #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic
“Even if you try to live a life completely free of toxins, we unfortunately live in a world where we can never be 100% free from them. There are toxins all around us that we cannot always escape.”
— Dr. Kevin Conners
When testing our patients for cancer, we always have to look at the cause; this is the biggest part of functional medicine. Although we cannot always escape the cause of a disease or illness, we must be aware of hidden dangers to stay away from.
Preventative practice should always include being proactive in our daily health decisions. This includes changing what we eat, what we put on our skin, what we breathe in, & what medications we decide to take.
Learn more about preventative medicine by going to ConnersClinic.com/Blog OR click on the link in our bio for more!
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments
#alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic
What might cause cancer?
“We all have cancer cells growing in us every day; our immune system is either winning the battle or it isn’t.”
— Dr. Kevin Conners
A few possible causes include:
Pesticides & Herbicides
Toxic food additives
There are a multitude of factors that lead to a diagnosis. When the immune system is overwhelmed, for a myriad of reasons, cancer cells (rapidly replicating cells) start to ‘take hold.’
The cause of cancer can range from environmental to genetic, but what is important is how we take care of our bodies.
Want to learn more about the what can cause cancer growth? Go to ConnersClinic.com/Blog & search “cancer”
#ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist #Cancercauses
#cancercauses #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic #genetics #gmos #heavymetals
EMFs have become overwhelmingly prevalent in daily life! There is no true escape from them!
Electromagnetic Frequencies, or #EMFs, surround us in modern day & have a huge effect on our health. Taking necessary steps to avoid or limit EMFs can drastically help the healing process.
Take time away from your devices, limit Bluetooth as much as possible, turn WiFi off at night, & practice grounding to limit EMF exposure.
🛒 Want to check out EMF protection products? Go to Shop.ConnersClinic.com & search “EMF”
Learn more about the dangers of EMFs & how to avoid them by watching Episode 23 of #ConnersClinicLive with Lloyd Burrell located in the IGTV section of our profile OR click the link in our bio for more!
#ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #emfprotection #functionalnutritionist #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments
#alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #functionalnutritionist #emfprotection #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic #ConnersClinicLive #EMFs
EMFs have become overwhelmingly prevalent in daily life! There is no true escape from them!
Electromagnetic Frequencies, or #EMFs, surround us in modern day & have a huge effect on our health. Taking necessary steps to avoid or limit EMFs can drastically help the healing process.
Take time away from your devices, limit Bluetooth as much as possible, turn WiFi off at night, & practice grounding to limit EMF exposure.
🛒 Want to check out EMF protection products? Go to Shop.ConnersClinic.com & search “EMF”
Learn more about the dangers of EMFs & how to avoid them by watching Episode 23 of #ConnersClinicLive with Lloyd Burrell located in the IGTV section of our profile OR click the link in our bio for more!
#ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #emfprotection #functionalnutritionist #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments
#alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #functionalnutritionist #emfprotection #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic #ConnersClinicLive #EMFs
“Dandelion is a hepatic antioxidant that stimulates the production of bile & enhances bile flow into the intestine.”
— Dr. Kevin Conners
Dandelion is really a hidden gem with its long list of medicinal qualities & its ability to grow in harsh climates of any kind. Dandelion supports the immune system system, acts as an antioxidant, & has many anti-cancer properties. Start foraging for dandelion instead of getting it out of your yard!
Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!
Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #detoxification #7phasesofdetoxification
#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic
“There are recent studies about dandelion root being used as a way to help cancer patients, as it has many anti-cancer properties, along with being an immune stimulant.
Dandelion root is also great for your liver, supporting your immune response, & detoxification.”
—Dr. Kevin Conners
Dandelion is so plentiful that it is considered a weed. God truly created this medicinal plant to be plentiful because of how many benefits it has. It is often used as an immune stimulant when dealing with viruses, but it also has many anti-cancer properties that have helped many people.
Learn more about the dandelion’s healthful properties by going to ConnersClinic.com/Blog OR click on the link in our bio for more!
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #sunexposure
#sunexposure #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic
“Large health industries & sunscreen companies have made it their mission to convince the world that sunlight is the primary cause of skin cancer, when it has been shown to prevent it.
In fact, considerable evidence shows that blocking the sun’s rays from reaching our skin with something like sunscreen can significantly decrease our uptake of vitamin D levels, leading to higher mortality, critical illness, mental health disorders & cancer itself.”
— Dr. Kevin Conners
The sun has been labeled our enemy over the years, but its healthful properties are hard to ignore. Sun exposure has many benefits that help us avoid disease & disorder.
Learn more about the sun’s healing properties by going to ConnersClinic.com/Blog OR click on the link in our bio for more!
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #sunexposure
#sunexposure #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic
“Binders, in nutritional-speak, are nutraceuticals that tend to bind to toxins & aide in their removal. They are chelators that don’t absorb, staying in the gut to grab onto poisons & escort them out of the body.”
— Dr. Kevin Conners
Knowing more about the process of detoxification is imperative when addressing, not only gut health, but many health conditions. The gut is the first place to look at, whether someone has cancer or autoimmune disorders. Detoxification, or lack thereof, is a huge factor in where someone is in their health journey.
Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!
Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #detoxification #7phasesofdetoxification
#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic
“Newer studies have shown the dangers of high copper levels in the body & its relation to cancer in the body.
It’s always important to have a balance within your body of vitamins & minerals. Too much or too little of these necessary components can often cause illness & disease.”
— Dr. Kevin Conners
Many studies have revealed that imbalances in the body can cause a variety of health related issues. It is so common to have deficiencies from vitamins & minerals that can affect any area of the body.
Learn more about mineral deficiencies & how these connect to your health by going to ConnersClinic.com/Blog OR click on the link in our bio for more!
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #mineraldeficiencies
#mineraldeficiencies #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic
“The benefits of Turkey Tail go beyond helping with cancer, as it has been shown to help balance neurotransmitters in the brain by increasing GABA production.”
— Dr. Kevin Conners
Turkey Tail, among many other mushrooms, have wonderful medicinal qualities of all kinds. Turkey Tail is named for its multicolored brown & tan rings that resemble turkey feathers. This mushroom is often an easy one to find & can be easily harvested in northern forests.
Learn more about the healing properties of mushrooms in Dr. Conners’ new book, Medicinal Mushrooms: How to Unlock Nature’s Chemo
Visit ConnersClinic.com/Mushrooms to download this book for FREE!
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #medicinalmushrooms #medicinalmushroomsbook
#medicinalmushroomsbook #medicinalmushrooms #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic
What is the SEQEX?
“The SEQEX uses electric frequency that is specifically programmed to your body, somewhat similar to PEMF therapy.
The interesting thing about SEQEX is that, as the body changes & heals in different ways, it is possible to update the frequencies to target certain ailments if needed.”
— Dr. Kevin Conners
SEQEX works similarly to the Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency unit (PEMF), but instead targets specific frequencies in the body.
This tool has been used for helping people who have a variety of diseases. We recommend always talking to your health practitioner about any therapy to see if it is right for you.
Learn more about SEQEX therapy by going to ConnersClinic.com/Blog OR click on the link in our bio for more!
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #seqex
#seqex #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic
“Iodine is a mineral we get from our food. Iodine deficiency is common & can lead to a variety of frustrating symptoms.
It’s very important to stay within the normal range of iodine levels, especially for someone with breast cancer, or those more susceptible to breast cancer.”
— Dr. Kevin Conners
Any vitamin or mineral deficiency can play a role in illness & disease. With iodine, it is necessary for making thyroid hormones. Hormonal imbalances can come with a large variety of symptoms & can lead to further, more serious complications.
Hormones control the body’s metabolism & development.
Learn more about the importance of iodine by going to ConnersClinic.com/Blog OR click on the link in our bio for more!
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #iodinelevels
#iodinelevels #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic