Autopsies confirm what the data & pathophysiology have been saying. Please SHARE!
#vaccinegenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #Pfizergate #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #PfizerPoison #Eugenics #Depopulation #NurembergCode #Nuremberg2 #PopulationControl #crimesagainsthumanity #prosecutepfizer #myocarditis #FreePress #alternativemedia #profitoverpeople #medicaltyranny #MedicalFreedom #Freedom #WorldEconomicForum #WEF #NewWorldOrder #NWO #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #mandatefreedom #JustSayNo #MyBodyMyChoice #realnotrare #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #AdverseEvents #AdverseReactions #AESI #VAERS #DiedSuddenly #clotshot #GOF #GainOfFunction #Bioweapon #GeneTherapy #Totalitarianism #ExcessDeaths #excessdeathscovidvaccines #excessmortality
#VaccineGenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #Pfizergate #pfizerliedpeopledied #PfizerPoison #eugenics #depopulation #NurembergCode #NUREMBERG2 #populationcontrol #crimesagainsthumanity #prosecutepfizer #myocarditis #freepress #alternativemedia #ProfitOverPeople #medicaltyranny #medicalfreedom #freedom #worldeconomicforum #wef #newworldorder #nwo #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #MandateFreedom #justsayno #mybodymychoice #RealNotRare #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #AdverseEvents #adversereactions #AESI #VAERS #DiedSuddenly #clotshot #GoF #gainoffunction #bioweapon #genetherapy #totalitarianism #Excessdeaths #excessdeathscovidvaccines #excessmortality
#News #Media #Journalism #AlternativeMedia: "In order to better understand alternative news media, we need to focus more centrally on the audiences that regularly consume them. This special issue, entitled “Contesting the Mainstream: Understanding Alternative News Media,” advances such an audience turn. In the introduction, we outline how scholars have understood and characterized alternative news audiences. These have ranged from seeing them as (i) ideal participants and activists; as (ii) being misinformed and manipulated; and as (iii) being critical users. Drawing on studies published in this special issue, we highlight how these studies provide new and revealing empirical insights that advance all three perspectives. Taken together, the articles make a strong argument to move beyond binary ideations of normatively “good” or “bad” alternative news audiences. In our view, they signal the need to better understand the complexity behind audience engagement not just with alternative news media but mainstream journalism more generally. Based on this argument, we identify several starting points for moving the field forward with such an audience turn in mind."
#news #media #journalism #alternativemedia
So many Drs, researchers, scientists, & "conspiracy theorists" have been warning from the beginning: the COVID jabs are deadly. Lo and behold, more shots = more deaths. Who'd have thought?
#excessdeaths #excessmortality #VaccineGenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #Eugenics #Depopulation #CrimesAgainstHumanity #populationcontrol #prosecutepfizer #myocarditis #FreePress #alternativemedia #profitoverpeople #medicaltyranny #MedicalFreedom #Freedom #NewWorldOrder #NWO #GlobalGovernment #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #mandatefreedom #JustSayNo #MyBodyMyChoice #realnotrare #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #AdverseEvents #AdverseReactions #AESI #VAERS #DiedSuddenly #clotshot #Bioweapon #GeneTherapy
#Excessdeaths #excessmortality #VaccineGenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #eugenics #depopulation #crimesagainsthumanity #populationcontrol #prosecutepfizer #myocarditis #freepress #alternativemedia #ProfitOverPeople #medicaltyranny #medicalfreedom #freedom #newworldorder #nwo #GlobalGovernment #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #MandateFreedom #justsayno #mybodymychoice #RealNotRare #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #AdverseEvents #adversereactions #AESI #VAERS #DiedSuddenly #clotshot #bioweapon #genetherapy
So many Drs, researchers, scientists, & "conspiracy theorists" have been warning from the beginning: the COVID jabs are deadly. Lo and behold, more shots = more deaths. Who'd have thought?
#VaccineGenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #Eugenics #Depopulation #CrimesAgainstHumanity #depopulation #populationcontrol #prosecutepfizer #myocarditis #FreePress #alternativemedia #profitoverpeople #medicaltyranny #MedicalFreedom #Freedom #NewWorldOrder #NWO #GlobalGovernment #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #mandatefreedom #JustSayNo #MyBodyMyChoice #realnotrare #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #AdverseEvents #AdverseReactions #AESI #VAERS #DiedSuddenly #clotshot #Bioweapon #GeneTherapy
#VaccineGenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #eugenics #depopulation #crimesagainsthumanity #populationcontrol #prosecutepfizer #myocarditis #freepress #alternativemedia #ProfitOverPeople #medicaltyranny #medicalfreedom #freedom #newworldorder #nwo #GlobalGovernment #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #MandateFreedom #justsayno #mybodymychoice #RealNotRare #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #AdverseEvents #adversereactions #AESI #VAERS #DiedSuddenly #clotshot #bioweapon #genetherapy
ICYMI: I wrote a piece for Organise Magazine about the radical media network known as Mutu that has gone from strength to strength, growing beyond France -- and how, here in the UK, we could finally leave behind our "silos" to embrace non-hierarchical, non-commercial, local autonomous media: #CitizenJournalism #media #IndyMedia #RadicalMedia #AlternativeMedia #Anarchism #AntiCapitalism #AntiFascism
#citizenjournalism #media #indymedia #RadicalMedia #alternativemedia #anarchism #anticapitalism #antifascism
It's good to talk about alternative media but we have to be anti-establishment media - which means not being hierarchical and not being commercial. The Mutu Network out of France is a good model to replicate. And that's what some of us are doing in the UK. See my article here (and get in touch if you're interested!): #anarchist #anarchism #media #RadicalMedia #AlternativeMedia #CitizenJournalism #journalism #MutuNetwork #LoAM #LocalAutonomousMedia #anticapitalism #anticapitalist #antifascism #antifascist #IWW
#Anarchist #anarchism #media #RadicalMedia #alternativemedia #citizenjournalism #journalism #mutunetwork #loam #localautonomousmedia #anticapitalism #anticapitalist #antifascism #antifascist #IWW
It's finally here! Please check out my article for Organise Magazine on LoAM - Local Autonomous Media: #media #RadicalMedia #MutuNetwork #AlternativeMedia #anarchism
#media #RadicalMedia #mutunetwork #alternativemedia #anarchism
#book: The Homebrew Industrial Revolution (Kevin Carson 2010) #AlternativeMedia
HacktionLab is UK tech-activist run project that aims to create regular convergence spaces where activists interested and/or working in the areas of #AlternativeMedia, #RenewableEnergy, on-line #VideoDistribution, #FOSS or any other form of #activism that utilises technology can get together and plan how to better harness the technology (or not) to support grass roots social movements. The next #HacktionLab gathering will take place in #Sheffield this summer!
#alternativemedia #renewableenergy #videodistribution #FOSS #activism #hacktionlab #sheffield
#alternativemedia is a controlled distraction What really matters in life? What are we really accomplishing by watching/making these videos? Nothing. Spend your time with your family, get back to nature, go out and do something good. Fight the tyranny. Do good and help those that can't help themselves.
The Harry Chapin song in the video brings tears to my eyes. I tried to avoid going down that path but failed. Live your life. All media is controlled, back away from it. I'm making a video that is telling you to quit watching these videos.
"Choosing Health, Freedom, and Life in the Face of COVID and Impending Global Tyranny," a new mini doc w/ interviews with experts & packed with evidence. Share far and wide!
#balloongate #balloon #Pfertility #spyballoon #DirectedEvolution #vaccinegenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #Pfizergate #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #PfizerPoison #Eugenics #Depopulation #Nuremberg2 #PopulationControl #crimesagainsthumanity #prosecutepfizer #myocarditis #FreePress #alternativemedia #profitoverpeople #medicaltyranny #MedicalFreedom #Freedom #WorldEconomicForum #WEF #NewWorldOrder #NWO #GlobalGovernment #risksoutweighbenefits #mandatefreedom #JustSayNo #MyBodyMyChoice #realnotrare #unsafeineffective #AdverseEvents #VAERS #DiedSuddenly #Metaverse #Totalitarianism #EMP #hemp
#hemp #emp #totalitarianism #metaverse #DiedSuddenly #VAERS #AdverseEvents #unsafeineffective #RealNotRare #mybodymychoice #justsayno #MandateFreedom #risksoutweighbenefits #GlobalGovernment #nwo #newworldorder #wef #worldeconomicforum #freedom #medicalfreedom #medicaltyranny #ProfitOverPeople #alternativemedia #freepress #myocarditis #prosecutepfizer #crimesagainsthumanity #populationcontrol #NUREMBERG2 #depopulation #eugenics #PfizerPoison #pfizerliedpeopledied #Pfizergate #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #VaccineGenocide #DirectedEvolution #SpyBalloon #Pfertility #balloon #balloongate
Have to assume everyone's seen it, but just in case:
#DirectedEvolution #Pfizergate #directedevolutionisgainoffunction #gainoffunction #gainoffunctionfauci #vaccinegenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #Pfizergate #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #PfizerPoison #Eugenics #Depopulation #NurembergCode #Nuremberg2 #PopulationControl #crimesagainsthumanity #prosecutepfizer #FreePress #alternativemedia #profitoverpeople #medicaltyranny #MedicalFreedom #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #mandatefreedom #JustSayNo #MyBodyMyChoice #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #DiedSuddenly #realnotrare #clotshot
#clotshot #RealNotRare #DiedSuddenly #unsafeineffective #notsafenoteffective #mybodymychoice #justsayno #MandateFreedom #risksoutweighthebenefits #risksoutweighbenefits #medicalfreedom #medicaltyranny #ProfitOverPeople #alternativemedia #freepress #prosecutepfizer #crimesagainsthumanity #populationcontrol #NUREMBERG2 #NurembergCode #depopulation #eugenics #PfizerPoison #pfizerliedpeopledied #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #VaccineGenocide #gainoffunctionfauci #gainoffunction #directedevolutionisgainoffunction #Pfizergate #DirectedEvolution
CAUGHT HIM! Rebel News pummels Pfizer CEO with questions at World Economic Forum via
#vaccinegenocide #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #Pfizergate #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #PfizerPoison #Eugenics #Depopulation #WEF2023 #NurembergCode #Nuremberg2 #PopulationControl #crimesagainsthumanity #myocarditis #FreePress #alternativemedia #profitoverpeople #medicaltyranny #MedicalFreedom #WorldEconomicForum #WEF #NewWorldOrder #NWO #GlobalGovernment #risksoutweighbenefits #risksoutweighthebenefits #mandatefreedom #JustSayNo #MyBodyMyChoice #Davos #realnotrare #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective
#unsafeineffective #notsafenoteffective #RealNotRare #davos #mybodymychoice #justsayno #MandateFreedom #risksoutweighthebenefits #risksoutweighbenefits #GlobalGovernment #nwo #newworldorder #wef #worldeconomicforum #medicalfreedom #medicaltyranny #ProfitOverPeople #alternativemedia #freepress #myocarditis #crimesagainsthumanity #populationcontrol #NUREMBERG2 #NurembergCode #WEF2023 #depopulation #eugenics #PfizerPoison #pfizerliedpeopledied #Pfizergate #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny #VaccineGenocide
Working on a "YouTube" like project. This is a screen capture of running as a virtual machine on Proxmox. Doesn't affect playback with just me📺😄
Runs great so far, but uses all cores when trans-coding.
#technology #AlternativeMedia #SelfHosting
#technology #alternativemedia #selfhosting
Blatant mis-reporting and absence of fact-checking by @BBC leads to belated redaction of published report on transport strikes:
BBC 'punches down - pitting citizen against citizen while absolving those in power of responsibility'.
#BBCbias #TheCanary #IndependentMedia #AlternativeMedia #FakeNews #RMTStrikes
#bbcbias #thecanary #independentmedia #alternativemedia #fakenews #rmtstrikes
New flyer on COVID and vaccines. Share with everyone you know!
#realnotrare #pfizergate #gmohumans #health
#freedom #healthfreedom #nuremberg2 #NWO #WEF #NewWorldOrder #WorldEconomicForum #GreatReset #Tyranny #GlobalGovernment #donotcomply #resist
#resisttyranny #resistthejab #alternativemedia #msmfakenews #crimesagainsthumanity
#demise #fetaldemise #fetaldeathsfromcovidjab
#miscarriage #VAERS #theyliedpeopledied #arrestfauci #arrestgates #AESI #adverseevents #adversereactions #ADE #hegeliandialectic #eugenics #depopulation #depopulationagenda #antihuman #DiedSuddenly
#DiedSuddenly #AntiHuman #DepopulationAgenda #depopulation #eugenics #hegeliandialectic #ADE #adversereactions #AdverseEvents #AESI #ARRESTGATES #ArrestFauci #theyliedpeopledied #VAERS #miscarriage #fetaldeathsfromcovidjab #fetaldemise #demise #crimesagainsthumanity #msmfakenews #alternativemedia #resistthejab #resisttyranny #resist #donotcomply #GlobalGovernment #tyranny #GreatReset #worldeconomicforum #newworldorder #wef #nwo #NUREMBERG2 #HealthFreedom #freedom #health #gmohumans #Pfizergate #RealNotRare
New flyer on COVID and vaccines. Share with everyone you know!
#realnotrare #pfizergate #gmohumans #health
#freedom #healthfreedom #nuremberg2 #NWO #WEF #NewWorldOrder #WorldEconomicForum #GreatReset #Tyranny #GlobalGovernment #donotcomply #resist
#resisttyranny #resistthejab #alternativemedia #msmfakenews #crimesagainsthumanity
#demise #fetaldemise #fetaldeathsfromcovidjab
#miscarriage #VAERS #theyliedpeopledied #arrestfauci #arrestgates #AESI #adverseevents #adversereactions #ADE #hegeliandialectic #eugenics #depopulation #depopulationagenda #antihuman #DiedSuddenly
#DiedSuddenly #AntiHuman #DepopulationAgenda #depopulation #eugenics #hegeliandialectic #ADE #adversereactions #AdverseEvents #AESI #ARRESTGATES #ArrestFauci #theyliedpeopledied #VAERS #miscarriage #fetaldeathsfromcovidjab #fetaldemise #demise #crimesagainsthumanity #msmfakenews #alternativemedia #resistthejab #resisttyranny #resist #donotcomply #GlobalGovernment #tyranny #GreatReset #worldeconomicforum #newworldorder #wef #nwo #NUREMBERG2 #HealthFreedom #freedom #health #gmohumans #Pfizergate #RealNotRare
@PoeticLicenseDK @jeff @TexasObserver excluding money makes it purely hypothetical : ) but if we ask what else is there: historical unconscious i.e. fear, lack of courage, lack of self-confidence, sometimes clearly intellectual incompetence... in my country (turkey), it's a different story... #AlternativeMedia #IndependentJournalism #alternativeJournalism
#alternativejournalism #independentjournalism #alternativemedia
The holy triad 3 days left for the end of the #fundraiser Secure cool perks and support #alternativemedia as #Libertarian champion
@FTL_Ian takes the #FBI to court this Dec 6th. We are close to reaching our goal thanks to donations from the community via #crypto
#fundraiser #alternativemedia #libertarian #fbi #crypto
I just stopped following the @nytimes because my timeline was crammed with lots of junk (quality junk may be but). however, i came here for some peace, even if it's nyt, I can live away from the "big news" for a while. but a reaaallly good news source will continue to be an issue for mastodon I guess. how hard it is to get a satisfying knowledge of what really happens in the world among so many trivia... #news #RealNews #UsefulNews #AlternativeMedia
#alternativemedia #usefulnews #realnews #news