This week is International Alternative to #CAGEMAFIA Week.
Today, we will celebrate by finding random people on the street and asking them whether they have heard of the alternative to Goo' Maps,
Tomorrow we will ask a question related to fediverse.
Join us in celebrating this special week we just made up.
#alternativeTo #cloudGlare #scAmazon #screwgle #microShaft #falseBook
#cageMafia #openstreetmap #alternativeto #cloudGlare #Scamazon #screwgle #microshaft #falsebook
#gleo has an item now on #alternativeto where it is related to #openlayers and #leaflet #leafletjs ... Anything to tweak in its description or similar?
#gleo #alternativeto #openlayers #leaflet #leafletjs #openstreetmap
Martin Nadal on ‘#Obfuscating our presence / #parasitizing #infrastructures’ #kig #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #floss #freesoftware #alternativeto #hacktivism #digitalisation #Fangø #Fangøcam
#obfuscating #parasitizing #infrastructures #KIG #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #floss #FreeSoftware #alternativeto #hacktivism #digitalisation #fango #fangocam
Demotivational speech by Karl Voit to make us unlearn and challenge the way we organise, navigate and search files #kig #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #floss #freesoftware #alternativeto #digitalisation #pim @publicvoit
#KIG #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #floss #FreeSoftware #alternativeto #digitalisation #pim
Karl Voit (Life Hacker) on ‘the art of organizing yourself and your data’ #kig #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #floss #freesoftware #alternativeto #digitalisation #pim @publicvoit
#KIG #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #floss #FreeSoftware #alternativeto #digitalisation #pim
Demotivational speech by Karl Voit to make us unlearn and challenge the way we organise, navigate and search files #kig #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #floss #freesoftware #alternativeto #mayan #digitalisation #pim @publicvoit
#KIG #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #floss #FreeSoftware #alternativeto #mayan #digitalisation #pim
Karl Voit (Life Hacker) on ‘the art of organizing yourself and your data’ #kig #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #floss #freesoftware #alternativeto #mayan #digitalisation #pim @publicvoit
#KIG #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #floss #FreeSoftware #alternativeto #mayan #digitalisation #pim
Andreas Zingerle ( on implementation of an electronic document management system #kig #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #floss #freesoftware #alternativeto #mayan #digitalisation #edms @kairus @andizin
#KIG #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #floss #FreeSoftware #alternativeto #mayan #digitalisation #edms
Ricardo Ginés (#TacticalTech) on Tactical Techs digital archiving approach, #kig #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #floss #freesoftware #alternativeto #omeka #digitalisation
#tacticaltech #KIG #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #floss #FreeSoftware #alternativeto #Omeka #digitalisation
Who are you voting for to win the #RedditMigration?
#lemmy #kbin #Reddit #poll #polls #squabbles #alternative #alternativeto #tildes #RSS #enshittification #forums #kbinsocial
#redditmigration #lemmy #kbin #reddit #poll #polls #squabbles #alternative #alternativeto #tildes #rss #enshittification #forums #kbinsocial
If you have an account on #AlternativeTo, consider giving our website a ❤️ to help other people looking for alternative software find privacy-focused answers:
...don't feel like you should make an account if you don't have one already, that's not really the privacy way 😄
#ChatGPT #alternativeto #OpenChatKit
Together Releases The First Open-Source ChatGPT Alternative Called OpenChatKit
#chatgpt #alternativeto #openchatkit
No dobrze, #Hometown przetestowane. Faktycznie jest prawie identyczne jak #Mastodon i faktycznie da się publikować tylko lokalnie (jest do tego specjalny przycisk). Tylko czy da się gdzieś wykupić (niedrogi) hosting Hometown?
Uff! W takim tempie testowanie całej listy (👆) zajmie mi miesiące.
Nie będę Was wspominał w kolejnych postach, żeby Was nie zalewać wpisami. Chyba że ktoś faktycznie sobie życzy - w takim wypadku proszę o odpowiedź na ten mój wpis. (Milczenie oznaczać będzie, żeby Was odłączyć z wątku).
Na koniec: jeszcze raz dziękuję za Wasze wszystkie rady w sprawie zamiennika grup FB! 💚 To było pomocne i inspirujące.
@m0bi13 @miklo @anthropoid @ojablkach @didek @piotrsikora @koval_blazej @kwj @Mateusz @szkodnix
#bezFB #zamiastFB #bezFacebooka #zamiastFacebooka #alternatywy #alternativeTo #noFacebook #FOSS #Fediversum #hostingFedi #FediverseHosting #FediHosting #FediTipsPL #FediPomoc
#hometown #mastodon #bezfb #zamiastfb #bezfacebooka #zamiastfacebooka #alternatywy #alternativeto #nofacebook #foss #fediversum #hostingfedi #fediversehosting #fedihosting #feditipspl #fedipomoc
It's proprietary :(
#alternativeto #alternative #alternatives #meme #memes #fosserytech
#fosserytech #memes #Meme #Alternatives #Alternative #alternativeto
Thought you might like this software list of mine called My Must-Haves for Windows
Stuff that I have on every computer. These should have been included with Windows. Many of these are #FOSS , too. Most are free or freemium.
@lminiero looking at #AlternativeTo the most popular #opensource contender is FairEmail
Is there account for Mastodon?
#mastodon #alternativeto #alternativetonet #geek
I think sooner or later, #activitypub could power an #appdiscovery service, as an alternative for #alternativeto.
For what I know, it's proprietary and there is still only an option to add the app/dev's birdsite handler.
What do you think?
#askmastodon #askfedi #askfediverse
#activitypub #AppDiscovery #alternativeto #askmastodon #askfedi #askfediverse
#tusky #fedilab #apps #alternative #alternativeto #neuhier
Für alle, die noch auf der Suche nach weiteren alternativen #Mastodon Clients sind:
schaut mal bei vorbei, dort nach dem Namen eures bisher verwendeten Clients suchen, ggf. Filter setzen für Betriebssystem, und dann stöbern und ausprobieren.
Not sure what Mastodon client to try? Visit ... then search for your so far used client, maybe filter for OS or device, and see some alternatives.
#tusky #fedilab #apps #alternative #alternativeto #neuhier #mastodon
Alternatives aux GAFAM ➡️ Thread
Je fais un Thread sur les alternatives libres aux applications des GAFAM, que ce soit pour le navigateur, le moteur de recherche, le système d'exploitation, ect...
Ces alternatives viennent de ma experience personnelle, n'hésitez pas a m'en proposer d'autres.
#Twitter #alternativeto #degoogled #gafamalternative
Boost apprécié. ⬇️
#Twitter #alternativeto #degoogled #gafamalternative