As usual, in the last day of the #AlterNetSummerSchool the participants presented the results of their project, through a "classical" and a very entertaining creative presentation.
Hope for a generation - glimpses from my (intellectual) survival kit: Sybille van den Hove #AlternetSummerSchool #biodiversity
#biodiversity #alternetsummerschool
Living well within planetary boundaries - the case for degrowth: Erik Gomez-Baggethun NMBU, NINA #AlternetSummerSchool #biodiversity #EcologicalEconomics
#EcologicalEconomics #biodiversity #alternetsummerschool
Hilde Eggermont opened day 9 of the #AlterNetSummerSchool with a talk on Increasing the policy relevance of your research: experiences from Biodiversa+
Photo by @Allan_Watt
#research #policy #biodiversity #alternetsummerschool
@jaztrophysicist @wolfgangcramer No, the #AlterNetSummerSchool kind of only makes sense if you're there physically, so you might consider applying 🙂
Transforming the science-policy interface - Eklipse and the Science Service for biodiversity: Marie Vandewalle UFZ #AlternetSummerSchool
For the first time we had Karen O'Brien at the #AlterNetSummerSchool talking about "Scaling transformations to #Sustainability : you matter more than you think"
#fractal #sustainabilityscience #transformativechange #transformation #sustainability #alternetsummerschool
Today we had the pleasure to start the #AlterNetSummerSchool with @wolfgangcramer talking about climate change, biodiversity and intergovernmental processes
#ipbes #ipcc #sciencepolicyinterface #biodiversity #climatechange #alternetsummerschool
Juliette Young - this year virtually at the #AlterNetSummerSchool - gave a lecture on human-wildlife conflicts, asking the question how to go from conflict to transformation
Scaling transformations to sustainability - you matter more than you think: Karen O’Brien, University of Oslo #biodiversity #climatechange #AlternetSummerSchool
#alternetsummerschool #climatechange #biodiversity
Climate change and biodiversity, and what to do about the crisis: Wolfgang Cramer, CNRS, IMBE #alternetsummerschool
From conflict to transformation? Some thoughts based on examples from Scotland to the Himalayas: Juliette Young INRAE, Dijon #AlternetSummerSchool #biodiversity
#biodiversity #alternetsummerschool
Social-ecological transformations - power and equity in the co-production of ecosystem services in Peru: Bruno Locatelli, CIRAD, University of Montpellier #AlternetSummerSchool #biodiversity #placebasedresearch
#placebasedresearch #biodiversity #alternetsummerschool
It's day 6 of the #AlterNetSummerSchool in beautiful and sunny Peyresq and we kick-off with Bruno Locatelli talking about "Social-Ecological transformations: Power and justice in the co-production of ecosystem services in Peru"
#ecosystemservices #environmentaljustice #transformativechange #socialecologicalsystems #alternetsummerschool
At the #AlterNetSummerSchool we ended the day with Carla Washbourne's "A daisy through concrete" discussing urban blue-green spaces
Today's second presentation at the #AlterNetSummerSchool is from Sander Jacobs talking about Diverse values and valuation of nature, and how this is about you, and how they are doing, and what you can do about it
Agriculture with a future / Stop trying to conserve biodiversity if you want to save it / A geographer’s journey on how we live on planet Earth and how we could live better: Nicolas Dendoncker giving a presentation with multiple titles at #AlterNetSummerSchool
Re-post from @Allan_Watt at Xitter
Day 4 of the #AlterNetSummerSchool closes with Fabien Quetier's Apéritif Talk about rewilding
...and here are some of the groups going through their role-playing exercise at the #AlterNetSummerSchool
This morning at the #AlterNetSummerSchool we have Francis Turkelboom and Mario Torralba presenting, but also actively involving participants, on the topic of participatory processes, exploring the question "Negotiating multifunctional landscapes: Where values and needs clash?"