@jessicaroseaaliyah Forgive me if this is random however, I wish to make a request. Would you be so kind as to add alternative text to your posts? There are many people who would love to consume your content but because there is no alternative text, this is simply impossible. I believe there is a service available through a hashtag called #AltForMe, where people can choose to make alt-text for a post if you do not wish to do it yourself. Now, this is only a request but hopefully, you'll take my words into consideration. Thank you and have a nice day.
i’d like to remind everyone again that it’s critical accessibility matter to use #ALT description when posting images.
shortly describe what is the point of the image or if it’s just text write that down.
many platforms are completely or mostly inaccessible to blind and visually impaired people and ALT descriptions are what includes them into the interactions.
if you’re unable to wrote your own ALT, use #ALTforMe and just copypaste response you get.
🙌 Informarse es lo mejor para entender, apoyar y ayudar.
En mi #blog hay info y mi experiencia con #EncefalomielitisMiálgica:
En redes, con #MEcfs en inglés.
Pensando en acortar las descripciones #AltText o usar #ALTforMe en el post o en la foto para que alguien lo haga.
Hay cuentas grandes solo de fotos sin autoría ni descripción. O ponen ALT para que no notifique sin descripción 😶
GRACIAS (vía @DomandoAlLobo )
#blog #encefalomielitismialgica #mecfs #alttext #altforme
#AltForMe text: A small mustard yellow crochet square sits on a grey fabric surface. From the lower left of the frame, a black cat has extended its front right paw into the photo and grabbed at the crochet.
@onlybeans Then reply with the #altForMe hashtag, and someone else will do it.
@notjustbikes #AltForMe will get your post in front of people who are happy to add an alt text description in the replies. I follow both you and the hashtag so if I see it I'll write something for you.
"How do I make posts more accessible to blind people on Mastodon and the Fediverse?" | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
Fedi.Tips has a very good overview. Did you know about the hashtags:
#AltForMe and #AltForYou ?
Tip for anyone who may have difficulties adding alt text to your photos. You can hashtag with the tag #AltForMe, which allows others to search the tag and add a description in the comments that you can then boost.
If you are adding description to somebody else's image, add the tag #AltForYou, so that others can search it and find the description you have added.
This is mean to kids why did someone do this? They took Winnie & Humpty.
(I have no idea how this would work for VI or Blind people so #AltForMe if it's possible please.)
I got 100%, how do you do?
#altforme #football #soccer #americanfootball #quiz
Created by @oedipusnj
2 hashtags to help with alt text.
#AltForMe is a hashtag that requests image descriptions like @imagecaptionspls
#AltForYou provides alternative image descriptions or captions, perhaps in a different language or provides more detail.
Original post: https://kolektiva.social/@oedipusnj/109371891665923566
#feditips #a11y #accessibility #altforyou #altforme