Elle đź’— · @ellesaurus
1086 followers · 2524 posts · Server toot.lgbt

Image 1: Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation
Image 2: Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony, looking coked out


Last updated 1 year ago


A minotaur, lying in bed, eyes wide open, with a sad expression. He is holding the bed cover with his hands, which are the only visible part of his body besides his head. Next to the bed is a huge battle axe. On the other side are the minotaur slippers, as well as a small table with a light and a LED alarm clock, with the hour shown in red.


Last updated 1 year ago


- A sloth sitting on lifeguard high chair, reclining, with a big contented smile on its face and holding a life guard whistle in its little paw. Its legs are crossed and it is possible to see a beach of golden sand and people enjoying the sun in the background.


Last updated 1 year ago

Amber Griffiths · @amberfirefly
815 followers · 766 posts · Server vis.social

@BenjaminHCCarr image is of the sci-hub logo, which is an illustrated picture of a corvid bird holding a key in its beak while stood on top of a pile of books

#alt4u #altforyou

Last updated 1 year ago

DĂ©bilos en vacances \o/ · @Ju_
236 followers · 12715 posts · Server mamot.fr

Bonjour @DocArnica
Jolie photo qui fait envie 🤤
Sur le Fédiverse, on essaie de prendre l'habitude de décrire les photos, par exemple
Une flammekueche posée sur une table de bistro accompagnée de deux bières


Last updated 1 year ago

River :tealheart: · @bluejeanbaby
257 followers · 1264 posts · Server masto.ai

@Lucia For future reference, you can tag and anyone following the hashtag who sees can contribute by including alt text in a reply!


Last updated 1 year ago

i’d like to remind everyone again that it’s critical accessibility matter to use description when posting images.

shortly describe what is the point of the image or if it’s just text write that down.

many platforms are completely or mostly inaccessible to blind and visually impaired people and ALT descriptions are what includes them into the interactions.

if you’re unable to wrote your own ALT, use and just copypaste response you get.

#alt #altforyou

Last updated 1 year ago

Kelly Lepo · @kellylepo
2790 followers · 446 posts · Server astrodon.social

Yellow and orange gas and dust almost blankets the full image. At top left, there are a few tiny white dots surrounded by blue. At bottom left, there is a bright green star, which gives a light green cast to the yellow area immediately around it. A handful of bright purple dots, which are stars, dot the right side. The yellow and orange layers look like moving curtains of dust. The bottom right is dark, with a single blue star.


Last updated 1 year ago

Michael Kazarnowicz · @kazarnowicz
706 followers · 1823 posts · Server unstraight.club


Graph showing how productivity, hourly compensation, and union membership have evolved ca 1950 - 2020

Productivity has gone up about 250%, while union membership has gone down from close to 40% to under 5%. The hourly compensation has stagnated since the late 1970s - right when union membership started to decline.

(Please remember to add alt-text to images, especially ones that provide all context. It allows people with screen readers to participate in the conversation)


Last updated 2 years ago

MaggieCi · @MaggieCi
806 followers · 5003 posts · Server universeodon.com


Four photos of a cute kitty leaping over a duvet straight at the camera. Kitty has it's legs folded and looks like a missile. Text: "The last thing you see after you pspspsps"


Last updated 2 years ago

Mx. Alba :heart_nb: · @MxAlba
844 followers · 499 posts · Server todon.nl

Een blauwe achtergrond met daarin een iets donkerder watermerk van een zwarte persoon met een afro-kapsel en een ringbaard, achteroverleunend, relaxed. Op de voorgrond, in witte vriendelijk ogende letters, de tekst: Om nieuwe dingen in je leven toe te laten, zul je soms eerst oude dingen los moeten laten. Credit: voorpositiviteit.nl


Last updated 2 years ago

Michael Kazarnowicz · @kazarnowicz
684 followers · 1719 posts · Server unstraight.club

@zutalorz Fantastic photo. I got you!

A meadow of yellow, long-stalked flowers with thin petals surrounding a dark center. Close to the camera are some bushes that add green to the sea of yellow. In the distance, at the other side of the field are tall bushes and trees behind a thin veil of fog. Above, a blue sky with feathery wisps and in the distance giant cumulonimbus clouds teetering on the verge of becoming a storm. It looks pastoral, like an oil painting from yore.



Last updated 2 years ago

Michael Kazarnowicz · @kazarnowicz
683 followers · 1705 posts · Server unstraight.club


Screenshot of @cliomcl@twitter.com quoting @tribunemagazine@twitter.com

Tribune: "Margaret Thatcher once said anyone on a bus over the age of 25 is a failure"

Clio: "well do u know what margaret. i'm getting on a bus and you are dead. how about that"


(Please remember to alt-text images. It keeps the fediverse accessible and inclusive for all!)



Last updated 2 years ago

secretsloth · @secretsloth
300 followers · 4262 posts · Server mastodon.art

@capibarabot an adult capybara and a baby capybara in a grassy field. The sun is shining and there's lots of warm light, the grass almost looks like it's glowing. The baby capybara looks a little awkward, like it isn't sure what it's doing there. There could be a second baby hidden behind the big mama!


Last updated 2 years ago

Michael Kazarnowicz · @kazarnowicz
673 followers · 1644 posts · Server unstraight.club


A wide bed with a young person sleeping under a quilt in blues and reds. Next to him, a woman with a laptop open, looking into the camera with a smile. On the bed lie two cats, both mostly white, and a small dog with ears pointed.

(Please remember to alt-text your images, to keep the Fediverse inclusive for people with screen readers)

I hope everything went well and that your son recovers without complications.


Last updated 2 years ago

Mx. Alba :heart_nb: · @MxAlba
838 followers · 406 posts · Server todon.nl


> Bij de aanvraag van een betalingsregeling houdt de Belastingdienst beleidmatig geen rekening met andere schulden, ook al weet de dienst dat die schulden bestaan. De Belastingdienst neemt zo welbewust het risico dat mensen onder de armoedegrens raken. Dit blijkt uit een recent rapport van de Algemene Rekenkamer.

> De hardvochtige wijze van innen is vastgelegd in regelgeving die in strijd is met het rijksbrede incassobeleid, de eigen 'invorderingsstrategie' en beloftes gedaan na de toeslagenaffaire. Toch wil de Belastingdienst er niet van afwijken.

> Bij afwijzing van een standaard betalingsregeling van twaalf maanden biedt de Belastingdienst geen betalingsregeling op maat aan. Waarom is niet duidelijk.

> In reactie op het rapport van de Rekenkamer heeft staatssecretaris van Financiën Marnix van Rij (CDA) geen toezeggingen gedaan snel te breken met het beleid.


Last updated 2 years ago

MaggieCi · @MaggieCi
691 followers · 4001 posts · Server universeodon.com

Dark blue and gold sunset over calm, darkening water. Silhouette of two people standing on the shore.


Last updated 2 years ago

@possumeveryhour the smallest, and I mean absolute tiniest little guy I have ever seen. This little possum bean is looking at the camera and standing proudly on what looks like several layers of blankets in the corner of a room. Their stance looks filled with determination. I am so proud of them


Last updated 2 years ago

@possumeveryhour a close-up of a possum in some kind of pantry with red-eye in full effect, gripping the edge of a Campbell's soup can and inspecting the tab with their snout


Last updated 2 years ago

@possumeveryhour a close-up of a small, round possum galloping across a brightly-lit field of green grass, what looks like the curl of a smile on their mouth


Last updated 2 years ago