@canzonett Du kannst zu uns #Altkatholiken in St. Willibrord. Blumenstraße 36, beim Sendlinger Tor, gegenüber der Hauptfeuerwache. Ostersonntag 6 Uhr früh.
Meistens sehr schön; ich bin da aber vielleicht auch voreingenommen 😆 .
My hashtag post. Follow when ready. 👋🏼
#ux / #uxdesign
#typography / #webtypography
#history / #geschichte
#cooking / #kochen
#geopolitics / #internationalpolitics
#anglican / #episcopalian
#altkatholiken / #altkatholisch
#theology and #science
#english / #writing
#humor / #humour
#startrek 🖖🏼
#ux #uxdesign #design #photography #typography #webtypography #history #geschichte #cooking #kochen #germany #berlin #potsdam #geopolitics #internationalpolitics #anglican #episcopalian #altkatholiken #altkatholisch #theology #science #english #writing #anglophile #hibernophile #humor #humour #environment #futurism #startrek #beexcellenttoeachother
@wnknisely There is now #anglican #anglicanism #episcopalian #episcopal
And while I’m at it: #altkatholisch #altkatholiken #oldcatholics #oldcatholic
FWIW @lemander is a German Old Catholic priest and author and generally cool dude. Worth a follow 😎
#anglican #anglicanism #episcopalian #episcopal #altkatholisch #altkatholiken #oldcatholics #oldcatholic