A friend got me motivated to finally put together part of my 18650 battery and the rest of the small solar setup I’ve had lying around for a few months now. Works fine, but needs the rest of the battery parts and better cables & connectors #onethingaweek #altpwr
Probably going to do some #altpwr hacking with at the @munichmakerlab today, and wondering whether we should setup a Twitch stream or anything 🤔
New #LoRaWAN PCBs for workshops and the #microgrid power meter ordered 💪 #altpwr #eventgrid https://t.co/099WNCIqcf
#lorawan #microgrid #altpwr #eventgrid
Bought an old UPS today to keep working on this #microgrid thing. Batteries should still be fine, according to the guy, if so that was much cheaper than buying them separately, and there's hopefully also a decent inverter in there // #altpwr #eventgrid https://t.co/lP8nHj5jXf
Finally got around to start documenting some of the solar stuff we tried at #cccamp19, like charging our Goal Zero power thingie via our own solar panels instead of buying their expensive proprietary stuff: https://wiki.munichmakerlab.de/wiki/DC_Microgrid/Yeti #altpwr #eventgrid https://t.co/M7oBRUzeZ7
Managed to get one of the DC power meters I got for the #microgrid at #cccamp19 to talk via its TTL port. For now just to my laptop, but next week hopefully also to an arduino to make it a #LoRaWAN power meter. Code's up on github: https://github.com/tiefpunkt/gc9x-reader/ #onethingaweek #altpwr https://t.co/ISo35wY1ja
#microgrid #cccamp19 #lorawan #onethingaweek #altpwr