Le concept sera ensuite popularisé à travers une autre présentation : le doughnut. Kate Raworth décline cette idée en 2012, en définissant 9 limites planétaires et un certain nombre de dimensions latentes au plancher.
@OxfamFrance explique ça ici. https://www.oxfamfrance.org/actualite/la-theorie-du-donut-une-nouvelle-economie-est-possible/
#alttext4me svp (je suis en atelier là)
I'm too tired to alt text all of this, so if someone wants to #AltText4Me, great! If not, I'll just come back later :) I guess you can like this post and you'll get notified when I edit, if you're interested.
Describing photos or art work is really hard. I totally get it. I only pick a few that are worthy. If I boost an image without one I have a bot that yells at me. Lol
There is a hashtag you can use to alert others to add it for you if that is of interest to you. #AltText4Me
I couldn't find the meme anywhere so I made a quick a dirty version of it, seemed firing.
Can someone please #alttext4me ?
(And while we're at it, I do feel like Nolan's face should be somewhere on the right side of that pic ;)))
Anyhow #NoScabbing #NoFuckingScabbing #wga #sagaftra #Oppenheimer #PeakyBlinders #CillianMurphy
#alttext4me #noscabbing #nofuckingscabbing #wga #SAGAFTRA #Oppenheimer #peakyblinders #cillianmurphy
A glass blower is me!
I spent a long time trying to figure out a clever reference to Werner Herzog's Herz aus Glas for this, but I cracked under the pressure.
Anyways, once I had a try, it was a gas.
#hagi #japan #glassblowing #alttext4me
Mastodon protip I learned today: if you can't find a good #AltText to write, or would like someone else to handle it, use #alttext4me! We work well as a community.
Also, if it is within your capabilities, please #AltText your media for our visually-impaired friends. Or #AltText4Me if you would like someone else to do it for you.
#MonsterdonBinge i got distracted & made an art.
#monsterdonbinge #shittyart #selfportrait #ramencatholic #alttext4me
We've been a bit quiet about our crafts here lately, but it's been happening even with the low spoons. Here's a little peek into goings ons.
#crocheting #amigurumi #alttext4me
If @memeinmymastodon would use ALT text I would retoot them sometimes
#alttext #alttext4me #alttext4you