Edward Munch's Painting "The Scream" as a mosaic of coloured paper clips
Meme: Jonathan Frakes mit erhobenem Zeigefinger vor der Kulisse seiner Sendung X-Faktor
Sie glauben die AfD kann Deutschland retten?
Tut mir Leid; diese Geschichte ist frei erfunden!
Comic like drawing.
A dark brown skinned arm stretches out of the water like a person shortly before drowning seeking for help.
A light pink skinned arm coming from above is not helping but holds a color scale of different skin colors next to the hand.
@Popehat #AltTextForYou Part 1
DONALD J. TRUMP, PLAINTIFF, V. CABLE NEWS NETWORK, INC. DEFENDANT. The undersigned counsel, James M. Trusty of Ifrah Law PLLC, as counsel of record ("Counsel*) for Donald J. Trump ("Plaintiff*), respectfully requests leave of this Court to permit him to withdraw as attorney of record for Plaintiff. Counsel has informed Plaintiff of his intent to withdraw from representation.
Tortendiagramm von Katja Berlin
Das Tortendiagramm besteht aus vier gleich großen, unterschiedlich gefärbten Segmenten und trägt den Titel "Konservative Themen". Die Segmente sind folgendermaßen beschriftet:
Gendern verbieten
Klimaaktivismus verbieten
Cannabis verbieten
Warum uns die Grünen alles verbieten wollen
The Electric Monk was a labor-saving device, like a dishwasher or a video recorder. Dishwashers washed tedious dishes for you, thus saving you the bother of washing them yourself, video recorders watched tedious television for you, thus saving you the bother of looking at it yourself; Electric Monks believed things for you, thus saving you what was becoming an increasingly onerous task, that of
believing all the things the world expected you to believe.
@EgyptianAphorist #AltTextForYou (Continued.)
"I mention this because we are bombarded with such a spectrum of deeply disturbing news and literally none of us can hold it all with the importance that each problem deserves, so I just want to remind people that this inability is a physiological limit, not a moral shortcoming." Nitai Joseph
@EgyptianAphorist #AltTextForYou (continued in next comment)
"There is a concept in psychology of the 'finite pool of worry,' which describes how as our concern in one arena rises it diminishes in another. Physiologically we can only expend so much worry at any given time."
@GenderGP #AltTextForYou :TransHeart:
At the top left is the GenderGP logo. The main image shows a hand holding up the transgender pride flag, which is flapping in the wind. The background is a blurred building / office. Text at the bottom reads: "Yes... you're trans enough."
Scheinbar ein Screenshot von einem Mobiltelefon - es kommt gerade ein Anruf herein.
In der Mitte ist das Bild des Anrufers - ein Foto von der Erde.
Darüber steht "Erde ruft an".
Darunter der Knopf "Annehmen".
Links oben das Logo von der "UNO Flüchtlingshilfe Deutschland für den UNHCR"
(Liebe UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe, ihr wollt doch, dass Eure Botschaft geteilt wird. Deswegen hinterlegt bitte #AltText bei euren Bildern. Danke)
Drawing in gray scales.
A female appearing human person stands talking at the head of a desk in front of a window with a city scape. At the sides of the desk are sitting 6 cats, behind glasses of water, coffee cups and some sheets of paper. It looks like a board meeting of a company, except the board members are mostly cats.
Caption: "Now listen, there's a lot of talk around this office that I only hire my friends."
@adamasnemesis #AltTextForYou a map of the world showing how much of humanity is from any point. the USA is close to around 30 to 40% of the population. an area in Central Europe near Switzerland is close to 92.9% of the population
@MostlyHarmless #AltTextForYou
A photocopied paper sign standing on a desk.
Huge letters say "Do not eat in the library."
Much smaller letters below that say "The ants will get in and learn to read and get too smart and knowledge is power, but power corrupts so they'll turn evil and take over the world."
Below that, there's a line of printed ants that look like they're walking across the paper.
Then, in teeny-tiny letters at the bottom of the page, it begs "Save us from the evil ant Apocalypse!"
Bild2: Schräg fotografiertes Bild in einem Forschungslabor. Rechts steht im Pulli ein Mann und erklärt Text und Bild an einer gedruckten Tafel (es scheint etwas mit senden und empfangen via Schüsselantenne zu tun zu haben).
Die Frau mit rotem Anorak und weitere Menschen mit Anorak hören und sehen gebannt zu.
Im Hintergrund stehen Monitore und verschiedene Geräte, an der Wand sind Kabelkanäle. Vor der Tafel auf dem Tisch steht vermutlich ein 3D Drucker.
#AltTextForYou (weil dieser Account das leider noch nicht macht):
Bild1: Eine Frau in rotem warmen Anorak und türkiser Mütze unterhält sich mit einem Mann in schwarzem Anorak und blau-rot-weißer Pudelmütze. Die beiden stehen in einer verschneiten Landschaft, im Hintergrund sieht man eine große Schüssel--Antenne, einen grauen Flachbau mit sehr kleinen Fenstern und weit hinten ein verschneites Gebirge.
@bilal #alttextforyou tweet from user karpathy on April 22, 2023 that reads: I forgot how cool European cities are. More compact, denser, more unique / interesting, cleaner, safer, pedestrian/ bike friendly, a lot more pedestrian only plazas with people relaxing / hanging out. A lot more of outside is an outdoor living space, not just transportation space.
@GatitoJoseos #alttextforyou It's a picture of a capibara, text reads "I love this animal: the carbonara"
@possumeveryhour #alttextforyou #AltText A brushtail possum chows into the pointy end of a pizza slice.
@openculture #alttextforyou A very old squat tree with a twisted and gnarled trunk. Fluffy-looking silvery foliage out the top. The landscape is dry and a stone path surrounds the tree.
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