Hand-held long exposure on the beach the other night.
#valencia #alttextphotography #alttextimage #alttextimages
This is one of my favourite recent photographs.
I would love to hear from anyone who knows what kind of flower this is.
#alttextimage #alttextphotography
A stranger smoking and watching fireworks on the beach.
(I have no idea who this is, we were at the same party)
#alttextimage #alttextphotography #valencia #espana #spain
Finally got something to put my dice in.
So nice to have different drawers for different dice sets/types.
(I made his little armchair out of some leftover faux velvet and some cut up sandpaper blocks)
Everyone please welcome Jason, even more newly arrived to the dollhouse.
#alttextimage #alttextphotography #dollhouse #toyphotography
Everyone please welcome Michael, newly arrived to the dollhouse.
#alttextimage #alttextphotography #dollhouse #toyphotography
I love this kind of ironwork and wood.
Spain, near Valencia.
#alttextimage #alttextphotography
An alleyway in Valencia, last weekend.
#alttextphotography #alttextimage #photography
A very pink dawn, earlier this month.
#photography #alttextphotography #alttextimage
Living my best life: #WorldCup #coffee and #holiday decorating today. #AltTextImage
#alttextimage #holiday #coffee #worldcup
Question about #AltText ...
Is there a way to copy/paste alt text from an existing image with alt text? Am I missing something obvious? (ok, that's 2 questions 🤪 )
I have the occasional situation where being able to copy and edit alt text from an existing image would be desirable!
#alttext #alttext4you #alttextimage #alttextispoetry
Para predicar con el ejemplo y siguiendo los consejos que compartía de @Amaterasu respecto a #AltText acabo de editar todos mis estados de mi #AlfabetoDePersonajes volviendo a subir más imágenes y aportarles descripciones lo más precisas posible. Hay que hacer un esfuerzo para mejorar la #accesibilidad #a11y 🙂
#alttext #alfabetodepersonajes #accesibilidad #a11y #alttext4you #alttextimage #alttextispoetry
#alttextimage 1. Man with white beard dressed in black/red flannel shirt, tan carhart pants, and warm hat standing outside with wooden timber frame bent up on saw horses set up on concrete slab. In front of large live oak, can see field beyond and blue sky with faint white clouds.
This is my Chard plants. Never grown Chard. Thought I could try out alt-text on images too 😁 #alttextimage #chard
Hi @feditips and anyone else that might be able to help me suss out #alt #text #alttext adding #alttextimage. Using the standard browser (image added), not an app. Should I be able to engage with alt text on my/other images or is it specific to visually impaired users with additional alt text recognition?? tools/software?
Thank in advance.
#alt #text #alttext #alttextimage
@Maker_of_things thank you for the advice, my first attempt at Alt Texting, is this the sort of detail that helps/ can I do it better or differently to help people more? Thanks in advance.
#greyhound #dog #pixelfed #alttextimage #autumn #trees