@shlepcar I remember my mom telling me about the kids from #tuleLake playing #football against the kids from #alturas, and I remember having my mouth washed out for using the n-word before I knew what it meant, but I don't remember my mom telling me that the kids from tule lake, some of whom lost their lives fighting in @WorldWarii, were #incarcerated wrongly. And I wish she had.
I think she assumed I would understand, because she hated the #incarceration, but I think that though I understood, i, and the rest of my early 60s late Boomer cohort, would have benefited from having it spelled out.
When I feel #old, it's because I realized that so many of these people have already died and apologies are too late. Making #amends? Too late.
#tulelake #football #alturas #incarcerated #incarceration #old #amends