Ein wahres Stück. Geschichte! Die #Kaiserthermen in #Trier . #alughapoints #alughatravel #alugha auf @alugha https://alugha.com/videos/57dd24a5-e2dc-11ea-b8b8-6dae38bc87c5
#kaiserthermen #trier #alughapoints #alughatravel #alugha
Untertitel #einbrennen #burned #subtitles Ist ne coole Möglichkeit für Offline Videos. In Kürze im #alugha #dubbr auf @alugha verfügbar. Freue mich sehr drauf!
#einbrennen #burned #subtitles #alugha #dubbr
Heute haben wir ein weiteres großes Feature für @alugha veröffentlicht. Eine Ordner/Projekt-basierende Rechtevergabe. https://alugha.com/videos/d309a080-0c29-11ee-8e2d-972073271ba8 #alugha #dubbr
Pretty cool new feature in the #alugha #dubbr! Recording monitor to make sure your volume is in a perfect range. I LOVE it! #youtubealternative #madeingermany https://alugha.com
#alugha #dubbr #youtubealternative #MadeinGermany
An internship at #alugha always means there has to be something delivered! Very cool video from my son Louis which he did 100% on his own, incl. all research https://alugha.com/videos/3fec5dd0-ccb7-11ed-952d-5da7e69c1c69 #taiwan #china
#KI und #Gastronomie Wie passt das zusammen? Mein Artikel zu dem Thema in der #gastrotel https://www.gastrotel.de/news/newsdetail/news/show/News/die-kraft-mehrsprachiger-inhalte/ #alugha #dubbr @alugha @alughaofficial
#ki #Gastronomie #gastrotel #alugha #dubbr
Yeah! A feature our users are waiting for so long!
RT @berndtkorz
Endlich #Ordner in #alugha! Freue mich sehr über dieses neue Feature, besonders auch, dass es ALLEN Nutzern zur Verfügung stehen wird! @alugha
How do I translate a video?
There are many ways to translate a video, depending on the type of video and the resources available. Click the link to learn, how to translate a video!
#alugha #ai #dubbing #voiceover #voiceovers #voiceoverartist
#alugha #AI #dubbing #voiceover #voiceovers #voiceoverartist
Amazing new feature! Create a new language track for your video within our #dubbr and download the video in the new language! #alugha #youtubealternative
#dubbr #alugha #youtubealternative
The time has come. @ConConvention begins. @DieFischerin and Claudia are already in the starting blocks and are delighted to meet you.
#alugha #wespeakearthish #multilingual #mainz #meetalugha #meetreini #meetbernd #multilingualcontent #meetsandra #meetclaudia #meetramona
#alugha #wespeakearthish #multilingual #mainz #meetalugha #meetreini #meetBernd #multilingualcontent #meetsandra #meetclaudia #meetramona
Another great month where our team was really active and some great things made it into the last sprint! https://alugha.com/article/babc2e10-6023-11ed-8bb8-5d23bc282c02 #alugha #youtubealternative #noyoutube
#alugha #youtubealternative #noyoutube
What do #artichokehearts have to do with #alugha and #multilingualism? -- Find out.
#wespeakearthish #multilingual #food #idioms #phrases #translation #shortstory
#artichokehearts #alugha #multilingualism #wespeakearthish #multilingual #food #idioms #phrases #Translation #shortstory
Your #company doesn't have to be #international in order to produce and use #MultilingualVideos. There are so many #autochthonous and #allochthonous #MinorityLanguages within a country that it is definitely worth being #multilingual.
#company #international #multilingualvideos #autochthonous #allochthonous #MinorityLanguages #multilingual #alugha
#meetalugha at GESS in #Dubai from 15 to 17 November. We are looking forward to meeting you and to discussing about #digitisation, #technology and #multilingualism in the #educational sector.
#alugha #wespeakearthish #multilingual #gess #video #education
#meetalugha #dubai #digitisation #technology #multilingualism #educational #alugha #wespeakearthish #multilingual #gess #video #education
Tomorrow, #DíaDeLosMuertos is celebrated in #Mexico, where it is believed that the souls of the deceased come to visit during the night. This is a joyous celebration. How do you deal with death?
#alugha #wespeakearthish #multilingual
#DíaDeLosMuertos #mexico #alugha #wespeakearthish #multilingual
#MeetAlugha from 15 to 17 November at #GlobalMediaCongress in #AbuDhabi. We are looking forward to inspiring you and to being inspired.
#alugha #wespeakearthish #multilingual #tradefair
#meetalugha #GlobalMediaCongress #AbuDhabi #alugha #wespeakearthish #multilingual #tradefair
Our CEO @berndtkorz published a commentary on the #opportunities of #TextAutomation. Thanks to @marketingBOERSE for that chance.
Read the article to learn more.
#alugha #wespeakearthish #multilingual #ai #inclusion #increaseYourAudience
RT @marketingBOERSE
Tipps für die Einführung der #Textautomatisierung. Wie die Einführung gelingt, welche Erfolgsfaktoren es gibt und welche Fehler häufig auftreten verrät @saimalkan in seinem F…
#opportunities #TextAutomation #alugha #wespeakearthish #multilingual #AI #inclusion #increaseYourAudience #Textautomatisierung