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Multi-head combination drilling machine

#aluminum #drilling #windowmachine

Last updated 1 year ago

MAGMachine · @MAGMachine
0 followers · 140 posts · Server

Multi-head combination drilling machine

#aluminum #drilling #windowmachine

Last updated 1 year ago

0 followers · 135 posts · Server

Aluminum CNC Composite Panel Cutting and Grooving Machine

#aluminum #aluminumcutting #aluminumgroove

Last updated 1 year ago

MAGMachine · @MAGMachine
0 followers · 137 posts · Server

Aluminum CNC Composite Panel Cutting and Grooving Machine

#aluminum #aluminumcutting #aluminumgroove

Last updated 1 year ago

0 followers · 128 posts · Server

Aluminum window machine CNC double head cutting saw.

#aluminum #cutting #window #cnc #cncmachine

Last updated 1 year ago

MAGMachine · @MAGMachine
0 followers · 131 posts · Server

Aluminum window machine CNC double head cutting saw.

#aluminum #cutting #window #cnc #cncmachine

Last updated 1 year ago

A family member left three spent AA batteries on my desk for me to recycle. It just so happened that my aluminum-clad laptop was between the desk and batteries. Luckily I found it before the KOH ate through the shell!

#aluminum #alkaline #batteries #chemistry

Last updated 1 year ago

MAGMachine · @MAGMachine
0 followers · 124 posts · Server

JH-12B PV Pendant (PV Briquette) Double Branch Automatic Machine

#pv #aluminum #windowmaking #cutter

Last updated 1 year ago

0 followers · 121 posts · Server

JH-12B PV Pendant (PV Briquette) Double Branch Automatic Machine

#pv #aluminum #windowmaking #cutter

Last updated 1 year ago

acemaxx · @acemaxxanalytics
261 followers · 3234 posts · Server

metals — , , , , and
— are poised to benefit from the trend throughout the decade and likely beyond.

#green #aluminum #copper #nickel #lithium #cobalt

Last updated 1 year ago

AAP · @xprodigiesxv
14 followers · 520 posts · Server

Aluminum sulfate significantly reduces the skin test response to common allergens in sensitized patients | Clinical and Molecular Allergy -
Aluminium toxicosis: a review of toxic actions and effects - PMC -
Aluminum | Public Health Statement | ATSDR -
Aluminium and fluoride in drinking water in relation to later dementia risk - PubMed -
Soluble Silica with High Affinity for Aluminum under Physiological and Natural Conditions | Journal of the American Chemical Society -
Aluminum Videos - Nutrition Facts Dr. Michael Gregar -

#aluminum #tilt

Last updated 1 year ago

0 followers · 8 posts · Server

Discover the Hidden Strength: Unveiling the Aluminum Handle's Internal Power!

#doorhandles #aluminum

Last updated 1 year ago

Vật Tư Minh Anh · @vattuminhanh
0 followers · 10 posts · Server

Tấm Alu Màu Ghi Xám Bạc Tấm Ốp Hàng Chính Hãng, Giá Rẻ

🔎 Thông tin chi tiết:

Thông Tin Liên Hệ:
📍 Vật Tư Minh Anh
🏚 Địa chỉ: 55 Đường 4, KĐT Vạn Phúc, P. Hiệp Bình Phước, TP. Thủ Đức, TP. Hồ Chí Minh
📞 Hotline: 0937337534
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#Aluminumgiare #tamaluminum #aluminum #vattuminhanh

Last updated 1 year ago

steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
254 followers · 8282 posts · Server

bottler makes major change to can packaging: ‘First of its kind’

#cocacola #aluminum

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
913 followers · 12544 posts · Server

Number One -- in Pollution!

Aluminum plants in the U.S. are releasing tons of a highly potent greenhouse gas, unlike their counterparts abroad

Dec. 6, 2022, 5:00 AM EST
By Phil McKenna

"A Century Aluminum plant in Kentucky and a recently closed Alcoa plant in Washington emit far more PFCs per ton of aluminum than Icelandic plants run by the same companies, according to an Inside Climate News analysis."

#usa #aluminum #waterislife #waterpollution #alzheimers #toxic #airpollution

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
913 followers · 12543 posts · Server

Oh yeah. And some people think that injecting more into the atmosphere will solve -- by dimming the Sun. Ummmm...

Solar by injecting aluminum oxide aerosol into the lower stratosphere is a serious threat to global mental health

by Dr. Giovanni Ghirga, May, 2022

"A possible geoengineering method to mitigate the global warming aspect of climate change is the injection of aerosols into the lower stratosphere, closely mimicking the way large volcanic eruptions cool the climate. This method is called solar-radiation management () scheme or simply Solar Geoengineering. SRM has been suggested to be affordable and have high effectiveness compared with other geoengineering schemes that have been suggested to mitigate global warming. While sulphate aerosols are the most studied, it has been recently shown that aerosols with other compositions, aluminium oxide (alumina) and diamond, could be used to dramatically increase the amount of light scatter achieved on a per mass basis. Alumina particles formed after the alumina aerosol injection are more efficient scatterers and may have less severe technology-specific risks than sulfates. Thus, they are expected to be more efficient per unit mass for geoengineering applications.

"Nevertheless, it has also been suggested that SRM has a low associated safety compared with other geoengineering schemes because of its possible effects on regional climate, stratospheric ozone, high-altitude tropospheric clouds, biological productivity, and global biodiversity. We want to add a possible severe effect on Global Mental Health that could be caused by using alumina as light scattering.

"The average residence time of a particle in the lower stratosphere is approximately 1-2 years. After eventual transport into the troposphere, alumina particles undergo relatively rapid mixing processes by weather events, turbulence, and cloudscale overturning. They are mostly removed from the atmosphere by dry deposition, sedimentation, or scavenging by clouds, finally polluting the environment.

"Aluminium has often been regarded as not posing a significant health hazard if the human body burden of aluminium has increased. Nevertheless, epidemiological studies suggest that aluminium may not be as innocuous as was previously thought and that aluminium may actively promote the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease. This condition is the most common form of dementia and may contribute to 60 –70 % of cases. In 2015, dementia affected 47 million people worldwide (or roughly 5% of the world's elderly population), a figure predicted to increase to 75 million in 2030 and 132 million by 2050. Recent reviews estimate that each year nearly 9.9 million people develop dementia globally; this figure translates into one new case every three seconds. Even prolonged exposure to low levels of aluminium leads to changes associated with brain ageing and neurodegeneration."

#aluminum #globalwarming #Geoengineering #srm #ClimateChange #alzheimers #toxic

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
913 followers · 12541 posts · Server

US : Effects of on Fish and Wildlife

Updated June, 2023

"The ecological effects of acid rain are most clearly seen in aquatic environments, such as streams, lakes, and marshes where it can be harmful to fish and other wildlife. As it flows through the soil, acidic rain water can leach from soil clay particles and then flow into streams and lakes. The more acid that is introduced to the ecosystem, the more aluminum is released.

"Some types of plants and animals are able to tolerate acidic waters and moderate amounts of aluminum. Others, however, are acid-sensitive and will be lost as the pH declines. Generally, the young of most species are more sensitive to environmental conditions than adults. At pH 5, most fish eggs cannot hatch. At lower pH levels, some adult fish die. Some acidic lakes have no fish. Even if a species of fish or animal can tolerate moderately acidic water, the animals or plants it eats might not. For example, frogs have a critical pH around 4, but the mayflies they eat are more sensitive and may not survive pH below 5.5."

#epa #acidrain #aluminum #waterislife #waterpollution #alzheimers #toxic

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
913 followers · 12540 posts · Server

Link Found

By Hamilton Davis
May 24, 1983

"Scientists have turned up evidence that acid rain is not only poisoning northeastern lakes but also is activating potentially hazardous aluminum in mountain soil, water and streams.

"Researchers at Cornell University, Dartmouth College and the University of Vermont, as well as scientists in Europe, have found aluminum in sufficient concentrations in high-altitude streams to be toxic to fish and aquatic life and apparently damaging to trees and plants.

"Some medical researchers suspect that aluminum, one of the most common elements on earth and long thought to be harmless, also may be implicated in several forms of human brain degeneration, particularly Alzheimer's disease, a common but devastating form of senility. The theory is far from proven, however.

"Normally, aluminum is tightly locked to other elements in the soil. The metal is now being knocked loose by such ingredients of acid rain as sulfuric and nitric acids.

"Acid water is most concentrated at high altiutdes. But as it flows downhill, it often passes over limestone bedrock, which progressively reduces the acidity. As the water approaches the neutral state, the aluminum particles begin combining with other elements and sink to the stream bottoms.

"What no one knows is the precise extent to which this free aluminum is getting into drinking water."

#acidrain #aluminum #waterislife #waterpollution #alzheimers #toxic

Last updated 1 year ago

DavidV.TV ® · @DavidVTV
5 followers · 1199 posts · Server

| THE ABOUT THE OF | | Another MAJOR ?? YOU BE THE JUDGE! " were ," says Leading . Chief of Vaccine DIVISION by Dr. .

went on to Vaccine Development (R&D) ..more than ANYONE in the of . (EG: , , Measles).


Censored Interview of Merck Company Chief recored for Boston's famed Public Broadcasting station, WGBH. Production Staff are heard in the Background

c8 contain , , and that may and from , , , , bovine serum, , and , , and corpse and .

c9 Hilleman the discovery of these "" by Bernince Eddy and Sarah Stwart ..

C11 millions of , later of , were with IN .

c16 40 differernt in these ... NOT ALL ???



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#INTERNATONAL_TECH_NEWS #truth #ORIGINS #AIDS #HIV_VIRUS #COVERUP #POLIO #vaccines #CONTAMINATED #MMR #Vaccine_Developer #Maurice_Hilleman #vaccine #EXPERT #MERCK #Len_Horowitz #Pioneer #history #AMERICAN_MEDICINE #Mumps #Rebella #CUT #PUBLIC_DISCLOSURES #All_Vaccines #foreign #dna #RNA #proteins #prompt_allergies #autoimmune_diseases #bacteria #viruses #fungi #yeast #Fetal #Monkey_Kidney_Tissues #toxic_metals #mercury #aluminum #MSG #preservatives #formaldehyde #formalin #relized #Vaculating_Viruses #FORESHADOWED #pandemic #cancer #Initially #Russians #million #americans #infected #CANCER_VIRUSES #POLIO_VACCINES #INACTIVATED #CONERNS #virus #LONG_TERM_EFFECTS #LAUGHTER #Background #NEWS_TEAM #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

Podcasts and Vodcasts · @podcastbot
1 followers · 1007 posts · Server

Skeptoid #180: Vaccine Ingredients by Brian Dunning The claims made about the dangerous chemicals in vaccines are all either false or misrepresented.

#vaccine #mercury #aluminum #formaldehyde #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot

Last updated 1 year ago