One last chance to play in the Carolina #alumniband this afternoon, this time in Carmichael Arena for the women’s game vs Notre Dame. Happy to report that it was a win for the team, and I was one of two #sousaphone players to belt out “Carolina Victory” to celebrate at the conclusion of the game. #goheels #gdtbath
#gdtbath #goheels #sousaphone #alumniband
So grateful for the chance to play again in the #carolina #alumniband this morning / afternoon for the UNC - ND basketball game - will have one more chance tomorrow in Carmichael Arena (I still think of it as Auditorium) for the women’s game tomorrow. #gdtbath #sousaphone
#sousaphone #gdtbath #alumniband #carolina
Back with the #alumniband for the #carolinabasketball game tonight. So. Much. Fun. #gdtbath
#gdtbath #carolinabasketball #alumniband