Here is an article written by and publisher .

Soon after writing this Assange's would be cut to the outside word, never to be restored even to this day. Please SHARE it far and wide.

Google is evil??? Always has been.

#journalist #julianassange #communications #google #alwaysHasBeen #corruption #moneyPrinterGoDrr #technofascism #suppression #chillingEffect #googleIsNotWhatItSeems

Last updated 1 year ago

RWTH Memes · @RWTH_memes
31 followers · 6 posts · Server

ASTRONAUT ONE: So and JobGuarantee is just a rebranding of the statusQuo.

ASTRONAUT TWO: Always has been *gun pointed at astronaut one*

#mmt #alwaysHasBeen

Last updated 2 years ago

The ratio of to worker pay has been getting worse everywhere since the when discovered they just need to be cosy with the moneyPrinters.

Targeting in this regard is unfair.

Namely, BTC/Monero fixes this.

Mozilla could be on Fediverse. The twitterati today is mostly shills for the vampiric corporateState, maybe . We understand have been dropping off it, preferrencing .

@murks @handle @TrechNex

#ceo #1970s #CEOs #mozilla #alwaysHasBeen #bitcoiners #groupMessaging

Last updated 3 years ago