90% of #Neurodivergent girls have been #sexuallyabused The reason are still unclear. People with #disabilities are overrepresented in abuse statistics.
#neurodivergent #sexuallyabused #disabilities #GraceTame #alwaysbelievethechild
If you ignore #ChildSexualAssault, deny it and defend it. It makes you an #enabler. You're inaction makes you complicit in the abuse of further victims of that perpetrator.
Perpetrators groom children. They also groom those around the child and the greater community.
They have positions of power, have an appearance of fitting in, being 'good people'. It is extremely calculated and manipulative. All to cover and silence their unthinkable violent crimes.
The shame of abuse does not belong to victims, it sits squarely with perpetrators and their enablers
#childsexualassault #enabler #alwaysbelievethechild
In a world first, the UN has announced World Day for Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Healing.
November 18
Long overdue, and a step forward in creating awareness around Child Sexual Abuse and Prevention, Sexual exploitation and Healing.
Bravo to all involved 👏👏
#csa #csam #childabuse #alwaysbelievethechild