I just completed "Supply Stacks" - Day 5 - Advent of Code 2022 #AdventOfCode https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/5 #alwaysLate
Somebody said he came from the Fediverse
Got in a fight when the tweets got worse
And a crashin' blow from a huge right hand
Sent a birdsite fellow to the promised land
Big John, Big John,
Big Bad John Mastodon
#WillAnyoneUnderForty #GetTheReferance
#bigbad #johnmastodon #willanyoneunderforty #getthereferance #alwayslate #toeverymeme
Somebody said he came from the Fediverse
Got in a fight when the tweets got worse
And a crashin' blow from a huge right hand
Sent a birdsite fellow to the promised land
Big John, Big John,
Big Bad John Mastodon
#WillAnyoneUnderForty #GetTheReferance
#bigbad #johnmastodon #willanyoneunderforty #getthereferance #alwayslate #toeverymeme
Bei -5 Grad ist wohl der richtige Moment gekommen, die Gartenbewässerung ins Warme reinzuholen. #alwayslate
I better get on with Christmas shopping or it will be the gas station again this year. I could always switch around who gets the jumper cables, jerry can and assorted air fresheners.
#AlwaysLate #XmasRush
Just remembered the presale for Blur at Wembley... an hour after they went on sale. #soldout #doh #blur #alwayslate
#alwayslate #Blur #doh #soldout