On the plus side, from the BBC article (really):
"The manager has told them the hotel should be able to reopen in a couple of days but things would not be completely back to normal as some buildings have burned down."
#AlwaysLookOnTheBrightSideOfLife #VacationWillContinue #vacation #hotel #wildfire #Greece
#alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife #vacationwillcontinue #vacation #hotel #Wildfire #greece
You know, we're sitting here freaking out that businesses can deny services for gay weddings as though #SCOTUS isn't going to overturn #GayMarriage right after the next election anyway making this all moot.
So relax, this is actually the good times; it's going to be getting much, much worse.
#SCOTUS #gaymarriage #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife
@CultureDesk I don't have friends and I don't live where I want... But I also don't live in Florida, so it's still a win.
Als de dalletjes niet meer zo diep zijn, lijken de golfjes ook niet meer zo hoog. 😎
#marion #RTL4 #arcturus #corona #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife
Make Art Not War. Handcarved rubber stamps:
#kunst #malerei #dina4 #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #skull #dancingskeleton #mementomori #vanitas #fragilitas #finiteness #mortality #montypython #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife #brightsideoflife #brightsideofdeath #liveofbrian
#kunst #malerei #DINA4 #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #skull #dancingskeleton #mementomori #vanitas #fragilitas #finiteness #mortality #montypython #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife #brightsideoflife #brightsideofdeath #liveofbrian
The rain in WSP will be warmer the next days… #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife
@joenepraat My fortune is having become visually impaired in 2017, so I now get a $280 monthly disability stipend added to my minimum subsistence longterm sickleave from being burnt out during the dotcom-boom.
That's like almost a doubling of my income after monthly bills paid.
Hooraaay! ;-D
You too!
Well Global Warming is pretty terrible. Millions will be displaced, killed, cities inundated, there will be more disease and pandemics. But today I did a nice long bike ride on a 50F/10C "winter" day in Boston instead of gym work or an indoor spin.
#Cycling #Bike #Bicycle #GlobalWarming #AlwaysLookOnTheBrightSideOfLife
#alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife #GlobalWarming #Bicycle #Bike #Cycling
Hmm, jeg er sgu’ altid lidt nervøs, når det kommer til lufthavne … Men: Alt er nu ordnet til afrejsen i morgen formiddag. Og for første gang i laaang tid afgår flyet ikke kl. 6-7 stykker om morgenen, men maskinen letter først fra Kbh. kl. 14 … yeah! #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife
Having just set up this account and opened our lovely new family history resource centre last week....we have to close next Wednesday. The good news is that we are getting a new roof. And that the closure is only for a couple of weeks. We will re-open on Tuesday 7 February. We will have our events online in the meantime. We apologise for any inconvenience. #genealogy #familyhistory #queensland #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife #Chermside #7thBrigadePark
#genealogy #familyhistory #queensland #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife #chermside #7thbrigadepark
The advantage to freezing temperatures, less mud! #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife #mudisland #santacruz #winterride #streetphotography #iphotography #thebicycleboy
#alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife #mudisland #santacruz #winterride #streetphotography #iphotography #thebicycleboy
Well, this is certainly a positive development! If Elon Musk can successfully monetize Twitter as a turnkey service for dissemination of corrosive propaganda, he might eventually be induced to think favorably of democracy!
#Pangloss #MarketplaceOfIdeas #AlwaysLookOnTheBrightSideOfLife
#alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife #marketplaceofideas #Pangloss
FYI if you forget to add the butter to the pecan pie you just baked, it still tastes good .. it's just really dry.
The upside is we have an excuse now for us to have some pie before Thursday. ("I *cannot* serve this during Thanksgiving dinner!")
#thanksgiving #pie #oops #baking #AlwaysLookOnTheBrightSideOfLife #whistle
#whistle #pie #thanksgiving #oops #baking #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife
FYI if you forget to add the butter to the pecan pie you just baked, it still tastes good .. it's just really dry.
The upside is we have an excuse now for us to have some pie before Thursday. ("I *cannot* serve this during Thanksgiving dinner!")
#thanksgiving #pie #oops #baking #AlwaysLookOnTheBrightSideOfLife #whistle
#whistle #pie #thanksgiving #oops #baking #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife
@nrcha @peteriskrisjanis arī fakts! 😀 #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife
Sharing this bit of sage wisdom to #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife https://youtube.com/watch?v=X_-q9xeOgG4&feature=share
@bortzmeyer Certes mais après ça va mieux :)
#soutienmoral #alwaysLookOntheBrightSideOfLife
#soutienmoral #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife
Mogło być gorzej. Gdybyś był ekstrawertykiem cierpiałbyś cały czas siedząc zamknięty nad pracą, a tak to tylko przez trochę na jakimś spotkaniu ;) #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife
At least I'm not cold anymore, right? 🙃
(101degF, for the US people)
#AlwaysLookOnTheBrightSideOfLife #Summer #SummerTime #Hot ☀️🔥 https://www.instagram.com/p/CQTpXtIJY43/?utm_medium=twitter
#alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife #summer #summertime #hot