Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 72 posts · Server
Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 32 posts · Server
Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
44 followers · 9 posts · Server

Original toot date: 27 January, 2023

Yesterday, I had the privilege and honour of attending Bunjil’s Marroun Healing Ceremony 2023. It was a moving day not just of mourning, but a day filled with hope of creating a truly inclusive future for everyone in our community and our country.
Thank you Aunty Di (Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Elder; Dianne Kerr) for you beautifully heartfelt welcome and sharing what the day means to you.
Thank you Courtney Ugle of the Noongar mob and the AFLW for sharing your deeply personal and difficult story and for being an example of what we can achieve despite adversity and continuing to seek an inclusive and equal community for all.
Thank you Nhanbu Togip for teaching us your traditional dance and including us in your customs, it was an honor to be taught by you.
Thank you David Arden for your sharing your music; music that is deeply personal and enlightening.
Finally, thank you Moonee Valley City Council for hosting the event, working tirelessly to bring healing to our Indigenous communities and being an example to aspire to.

#alwayswasalwayswillbeaboriginalland #alwayswasalwayswillbe #indigenousrights #indigenous #aboriginal #aboriginalaustralia #AboriginalLivesMatter

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
44 followers · 3 posts · Server

Original toot date: 24 January, 2023

I write to you from Wurundjeri Country in Naarm. I stand with our First Nations People. I support an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. I support changing the date of Australia Day. I acknowledge this land was stolen and it's sovereignty never ceded.
Will you join me in being a voice for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people?

#alwayswasalwayswillbe #alwayswasalwayswillbeaboriginalland #aboriginalaustralia #aboriginal #aboriginalland #indigenous #indigenouslivesmatter #indigenouspeoples #AboriginalLivesMatter #indigenousland #firstnations #firstnationsaustralia #australiaday #invasionday #survivalday #changethedate

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Activist · @smeilakajp
20 followers · 131 posts · Server
Jamie · @scibidoo
310 followers · 826 posts · Server

Road Trip - Wagga tonight on Wiradjuri Country. Tomorrow heading to Echuca (Meeting of the Waters) on Yorta Yorta Country. Travelling through these places with a heightened appreciation to Thousands of years of history.

#alwayswasalwayswillbeaboriginalland #thisiswiradjuricountry

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
14 followers · 68 posts · Server

Thank you to Aunty Janet Turpie-Johnstone, Victorian Kangaroo Alliance, Kangaroos Alive, Collective Fashion Justice, Defend the Wild, Animals Australia and Georgie Purcell MP for organising and attending this rally and helping to raise awareness of the cruel slaughter being endured by our beautiful, native Kangaroos.

#savethekangaroos #kangaroos #saveourwildlife #protectwildlife #nativewildlife #kangaroo #australianwildlife #uniquewildlife #rubyroo #animals #animallover #animalcruelty #animalexploitation #animalwelfare #animalrights #alwayswasalwayswillbeaboriginalland #alwayswasalwayswillbe

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
13 followers · 65 posts · Server
Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
4 followers · 17 posts · Server

Yesterday, I had the privilege and honour of attending Bunjil’s Marroun Healing Ceremony 2023. It was a moving day not just of mourning, but a day filled with hope of creating a truly inclusive future for everyone in our community and our country.
Thank you Aunty Di (Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Elder; Dianne Kerr) for you beautifully heartfelt welcome and sharing what the day means to you.
Thank you Courtney Ugle of the Noongar mob and the AFLW for sharing your deeply personal and difficult story and for being an example of what we can achieve despite adversity and continuing to seek an inclusive and equal community for all.
Thank you Nhanbu Togip for teaching us your traditional dance and including us in your customs, it was an honor to be taught by you.
Thank you David Arden for your sharing your music; music that is deeply personal and enlightening.
Finally, thank you Moonee Valley City Council for hosting the event, working tirelessly to bring healing to our Indigenous communities and being an example to aspire to.

#alwayswasalwayswillbeaboriginalland #alwayswasalwayswillbe #indigenousrights #indigenous #aboriginal #aboriginalaustralia #AboriginalLivesMatter

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
4 followers · 16 posts · Server
Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
2 followers · 7 posts · Server