Scientists are finding increasing evidence for a link between air pollution and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s
#Alzeimers #SocialDeterminants #prevention
#alzeimers #socialdeterminants #prevention
New results show Cassava’s Alzheimer’s drug has placebo-like efficacy
#Alzeimers #pharma
There's nothing quite like the feeling when you finally get to run to the bathroom because you've had to keep an eye on your father with Alzheimer's and couldn't leave him alone long enough to go until other people came home. #Alzeimers
We got the first Christmas card for my dad today. My mom didn't show him yet because she wasn't sure if it was junk mail. Dude, I told you cards were coming. And yes, I called my mom dude. #ChristmasCards #Alzeimers
I shouldn't have to do this in my own home. If my dad sees TP in the toilet, he scoops it out with his hand. Everyone needs to do better to prevent that. #Alzeimers
@jfballenger. Dear Jesse, I'm a fan of your book on #Alzeimers and look forward to reading the next one on #dementia. In the meantime, I'm hoping to find others (#authors, people interested in #medhum, #neurologists, #neuropsychologists, #geriatricians, #caregivers, people with #dementia) to follow. Any suggestions? Many thanks.
#alzeimers #dementia #authors #medhum #neurologists #neuropsychologists #geriatricians #caregivers