@olivermantell Small world! My husband just spoke at #AMAConf. Wish I could have been there. I would have posted on Mastodon for sure.
My talk (with Anne Torregiani) @ #AMAConf:
New VALUES (⬆️ progressive; want venues to take *authentic* stand on social issues/climate)
New TASTES (plural not exclusive; about *how* not what - curation etc; open re art forms, inc. trad., if full offer right)
New EXPERIENCES (⬆️ digital, => live ⬆️ place, community, immersion, shareability; more informal/flexible formats)
=> Human centred design, micro segment, experiment, relationships
Data: Cultural Participation Monitor (+…)
Great bell hooks quote by Monique Baptiste Brown from Brixton House at #AMAConf:
“Empowerment cannot happen if we refuse to be vulnerable while encouraging others to take risks”.
There’s a ‘social media’ themed social event this evening, at which I’m going to *try* not to be the resident Mastobore.
Fortunately, there wasn’t time to get a ‘JOIN MASTODON’ t-shirt printed…
(Frustrating thought: if the hundreds of arts marketers in attendance committed to ‘making Mastodon work’ - personally and professionally - I genuinely feel it could shift the landscape. And be good for them and audiences. But they won’t. Because it’s not ‘where the audience is’).
On my way to the Arts Marketing Association Conference (#AMAConf) and pass a road sign saying “Is your vehicle roadworthy?”.
Ain’t that the (metaphorical) question…