Blue Mountain #CalaverasCounty, as seen from #AmadorCounty. Not visible: my sweat sweating as I took this photo. #SierraFoothills #NorCalHeatWave #SwampAss
#calaverascounty #amadorcounty #SierraFoothills #norcalheatwave #swampass
The City of Ione will hold its annual military ceremony & parade at Veteran’s Memorial Park in downtown & the “Walk for the Troops” along South Church Street (SR-124) to Howard Park from 10am-1pm on Sat., Apr. 29. More info:
#amadorcounty #Ione #veterans
#Update - SB #1 Lane closed, traffic funneled into #2 Lane.
#TrafficAlert #amadorcounty SR-49/88 is under traffic control at Kennedy Mine Rd due to apparent sinkhole. Please avoid the area if possible, use an alternate route, and check #Quickmap for the latest information.
#update #trafficalert #amadorcounty #quickmap
#TrafficAlert #amadorcounty SR-49/88 is under one-way traffic control at Kennedy Mine Road due to an apparent sinkhole that has opened up. Please avoid the area if possible, use an alternate route, and check #Quickmap for the latest information.
#trafficalert #amadorcounty #quickmap
#UPDATE #AmadorCounty (as of 3:15 p.m.) a full closure of SR-26 remains in place for safety due to an unstable boulder identified during removal of fallen trees. SR-26 is closed from Defender Grade Road to Higdon Road. There is no ETO. Please seek alternate route.
From last night: Buckhorn Dollar General in #Amador #AmadorCounty roof collapse, likely a total loss. No injureis. #snow #rain #CAwx
#amador #amadorcounty #snow #rain #cawx
#TrafficAlert SR-88 CarsonSpur #AmadorCounty is currently closed due to heavy snow fall and zero visibility. No ETO at this time. For current roadway and closure information, always visit or download the #Quickmap app. @CaltransHQ
#trafficalert #amadorcounty #quickmap
#AmadorCounty: SR-88 Carson Spur is currently closed due to heavy snow and zero visibility. Passage is unsafe until further notice. For current road and closure info., always check or download the #Quickmap app. #CaltransHQ
#amadorcounty #quickmap #caltranshq
Sharing information from #AmadorCounty that Pioneer Volcano Road beginning at SR-88 is closed until approximately 3 pm today due to downed electrical poles & lines. For more information, click here:
#trafficadvisory #amadorcounty #besafe
#UPDATE - Peddler Hill and Peddler Vista are now open on SR-88.
#trafficadvisory #amadorcounty - SR-88 is closed at Peddler Hill, Carson Spur and Carson Pass due to snow fall and accumulation. #knowbeforeyougo by visiting
#update #trafficadvisory #amadorcounty #knowbeforeyougo
#AmadorCounty & #AlpineCounty Both #CarsonSpur & #CarsonPass, SR-88, are open with R2 chain controls in place. Get full info. on chain and snow tire requirements, at: #PlanAhead and download the #Quickmap app for road and closure info. #CaltransHQ
#amadorcounty #alpinecounty #carsonspur #carsonpass #planahead #quickmap #caltranshq
#AmadorCounty R2 chain controls are currently in place on SR-88 from #PeddlerVista to #RedLakeCreek. For full info. on chain and snow tire requirements, visit: Always #PlanAhead and download the #Quickmap app for road and closure info. #CaltransHQ
#amadorcounty #peddlervista #redlakecreek #planahead #quickmap #caltranshq
#TrafficUpdate #AmadorCounty SR-88 #CarsonSpur is now open. However, Caltrans asks motorists to avoid all non-essential travel until Thursday night. Northern California is currently experiencing a severe storm, making travel conditions extremely difficult. #Quickmap @CaltransHQ
#trafficupdate #amadorcounty #carsonspur #quickmap
#TrafficAlert #AmadorCounty SR-88 #CarsonSpur is temporarily closed for Avalanche Control. No ETO at this time. Due to a severe winter storm, unnecessary travel is not recommended. For current road conditions visit or download the app.
#trafficalert #amadorcounty #carsonspur
#TrafficUpdate #AmadorCounty SR-88, Carson Spur Now open with R2 chain controls in effect. Please drive slowly and allow plenty of room for our snow plows to do their job. #PlanAhead with for current road and closure info. or download the app. @CaltranHQ
#trafficupdate #amadorcounty #planahead
#TrafficAlert #AmadorCounty: SR-88 is closed from Peddler Vista to the Carson Spur due to heavy snowfall. Avoiding travel this weekend is strongly advised due to treacherous winter weather. Roadway info. is always available using or download the app.
#TrafficAlert #AmadorCounty: SR-88 #CarsonSpur is now closed due to heavy snow. Please avoid this route. It's actually a good idea to avoid all travel this weekend if possible. For roadway and closure info. visit Or download the #Quickmap app.
#trafficalert #amadorcounty #carsonspur #quickmap
#TrafficUpdate #AmadorCounty: SR-88 #CarsonSpur is now open. During any winter mountain travel where snow is present, motorists should always carry chains. For current chain control and road closure information, visit You can also download the #Quickmap
#trafficupdate #amadorcounty #carsonspur #quickmap
#TrafficAlert #AmadorCounty: SR-49 is closed in Plymouth @ Shenandoah Rd. due to flooding. Closure extends into El Dorado County. No ETO at this time. Motorists should consider alternate route. Use for current road information. #PlanAhead
#trafficalert #amadorcounty #planahead