Virgin Media adds 14 FAST channels to its set-top box EPG, expanding its super-aggregator role #2023_08_24 #videonet #john_moulding #newswire #24i #amagi #fast #nextup #pay_tv_fast #super_aggregation
#2023_08_24 #videonet #john_moulding #newswire #24i #amagi #fast #nextup #pay_tv_fast #super_aggregation
Amagi CONNECT links FAST channel owners with distributors for quick launches on pre-agreed terms #2023_04_24 #videonet #john_moulding #newswire #amagi #amagi_connect #blue_ant_media #channel_launch #fast #rakuten_tv
#2023_04_24 #videonet #john_moulding #newswire #amagi #amagi_connect #blue_ant_media #channel_launch #fast #rakuten_tv
🇫🇷 Dans sa sixième édition du « Global Fast Report », souligne que la France incarne le moteur européen de la Fast TV, mode de consommation de la télévision financé par la publicité ! 🖥️
#television #broadcast #amagi