Victoria in Tokyo · @vsrj
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timings for ,

is Friday March 3
• Ekadashi tithi from 10:09am March 2, sunrise 6:09am March 3, ends 12:41pm
tithi sunrise 6:08am March 4, ends 3:13pm
• Parana: Pratahkal, 6:08am to 8:26am March 4

Amalaki Ekadashi marks the redemption of a hunter who observed Ekadashi rites beneath an Amalaki tree.

📸 "Three girls worshipping the Amala tree", school, Jagdish and Kamla Mittal Museum of Indian Art

#rajasthan #art #hinduism #kota #dwadashi #ekadashi #japan #tokyo #amalakiekadashi

Last updated 1 year ago