Just finished watching #AManOfAction on Netflix. Very interesting to this American. A bank robbery/caper movie where an anarchist is the hero? Hollywood would never make a movie like that. We were never taught anything but the strawman version of #Anarchism and #Anarchists. I didn't even know they still existed until I spoke to some online during #OccupyWallStreet. I had issues with their tactics, but their ideals made a surprising amount of sense to me.
#amanofaction #anarchism #anarchists #occupywallstreet
A Man of Action is available on #Netflix now. You should check it out.
It's about a cool dude who robs banks.
#UnHombreDeAccion #amanofaction
#netflix #UnHombreDeAccion #amanofaction
TV TONIGHT (November 30)
#Willow #Irreverent #SnackVsChef #LoveWithoutBorders #TheMaskedSinger #TheMightyDucks #ShermansShowcase #AManOfAction #TakeYourPills #TheConners #SistasOnBET #AEWDynamite #KungFu #DieselBrothers #SecretRestoration #CourtCam
#courtcam #secretrestoration #DieselBrothers #kungfu #aewdynamite #sistasonbet #theconners #takeyourpills #amanofaction #shermansshowcase #themightyducks #themaskedsinger #lovewithoutborders #snackvschef #irreverent #willow