Christiane Amanpour Is First CNN Anchor to Slam Trump Town Hall in Public: ‘Maybe Less Is More’ (Video) #CNN #TownHall #Amanpour #MaybeLessIsMore
#cnn #townhall #amanpour #maybelessismore
Christiane #Amanpour voices dissent over #Trump town hall, says she had ‘very robust exchange’ with #CNN chief
103 Likes for #amanpour from #cnn only. #musktwitter reach surpression in full force. This is how #FreeSpeech is killed by #BILLIONAIRE for a dime.
“Ukraine is maybe the most important place in the world right now, and the fate of freedom writ large really does hang on what happens in Ukraine,” says historian, who’s teaching an open class on the history of Ukraine at Yale.
#amanpour #cnn #musktwitter #freespeech #BILLIONAIRE