Stating that democracy “often demands the sharing of power”, Nobel laureate #AmartyaSen welcomed the ongoing discussions between non-#BJP parties to form a federal front for #2024GeneralElections.
#amartyasen #bjp #2024generalelections #press
Nobel laureate #AmartyaSen welcomed the ongoing discussions between non-BJP parties to form a federal front for next year's general elections. #press
The Santiniketan-based Visva-Bharati has issued a press release criticising — without naming him — Nobel Laureate #AmartyaSen, whom the university accuses of being in illegal possession of its land, reports @BishwanathGhosh. #press
Nobel Laureate #AmartyaSen has said the concept of #UniformCivilCode, though not a new one, is a “difficult issue”. #press
#amartyasen #uniformcivilcode #press
Nobel Laureate #AmartyaSen on Wednesday said that attempts to implement a #UniformCivilCode (UCC) were a ‘bluff’. He posed a question, asking who would benefit from such an exercise.
#amartyasen #uniformcivilcode #press
The Calcutta HC ordered an interim stay on an eviction order by Visva-Bharati, West Bengal’s only central university, for Nobel laureate #AmartyaSen to vacate 13 decimal of 1.38 acre of land. #press
Amartya Sen moves Calcutta HC over Visva-Bharati's eviction threat
Justice Bibhas Ranjan De, who heard #AmartyaSen's appeal on Tuesday, asked both parties to respond by Thursday before he took up the matter.
Will hold sit-in if #AmartyaSen's house is bulldozed: #Bengal CM #MamataBanerjee #press
#amartyasen #bengal #mamatabanerjee #press
West Bengal CM #MamataBanerjee said if Visva Bharati authorities try to bulldoze the house of Nobel laureate #AmartyaSen, she will stage a sit-in demonstration to resist it at Santiniketan in Birbhum district. #press
#mamatabanerjee #amartyasen #press
#VisvaBharatiUniversity in an eviction order has asked Nobel laureate #AmartyaSen to vacate the 13 decimals of land which he has been allegedly occupying in an unauthorised manner by May 6 or within 15 days of the publication of the last order on April 19 #press
#visvabharatiuniversity #amartyasen #press
Visva-Bharati threat to #AmartyaSen: Vacate 13-decimal land or be evicted #press
Visva Bharati University in an eviction order has asked Nobel laureate #AmartyaSen to vacate the 13 decimals of land which he has been allegedly occupying in an unauthorised manner. #press
Nobel laureate #AmartyaSen responded to Visva-Bharati’s final eviction notice sent on April 13. #press
Visva-Bharati University issued the final eviction notice to Nobel laureate #AmartyaSen. #press
I wished I had enough presence of mind to occasionally ask myself “what would Amartya Sen think now?”
I'm sure I'd make better decisions if I were able to
#amartyasen #economics #philosophy
বিশ্বভারতী কর্তৃপক্ষ যা করছেন তা করতেই তাঁদের বসানো হয়েছে। এতে কী লাভ? কার লাভ? উত্তরের সন্ধানে সৌভিক ঘোষ #amartyasen @bengali_convo
I've always enjoyed the dry clarity of Amartya Sen's prose. Here he discusses the supposed benefits of British Imperialism for India, saying:
#colonialism #imperialism #India #AmartyaSen #Britain (1/6) 🧵
#colonialism #imperialism #india #amartyasen #britain
#amartyasen ভগবান নন। দুনিয়ার সব ব্যাপারে তিনি যা বলবেন তাই মেনে নিতে হবে এমন কোনো কথা নেই। কিন্তু এ কীরকম ভিন্নমত পোষণ? প্রশ্ন তুললেন @hutomp #MamataBanerjee @bengali_convo
#amartyasen ভগবান নন। দুনিয়ার সব ব্যাপারে তিনি যা বলবেন তাই মেনে নিতে হবে এমন কোনো কথা নেই। কিন্তু এ কীরকম ভিন্নমত পোষণ? প্রশ্ন তুললেন @hutomp #MamataBanerjee @bengali_convo
Interview | ‘Modi Govt Is One of the Most Appalling in the World,’ Says Amartya Sen
He said the Modi government’s treatment of Muslims, and the fact that it has no Muslim MP in either House of the parliament, is “unacceptably barbaric”.
#AmartyaSen #interview #modi #india #fascism #hindutva #minorities #muslims #secularism #christians #intolerance
#amartyasen #interview #modi #india #fascism #hindutva #minorities #muslims #secularism #christians #intolerance