Some more January joy from the Amaryllis wing of the house: Candy Floss.
#JanuaryJoy #amaryllis #AmaryllisAddict #AmaryllisCandyFloss #gardening #GardeningMastodon #JanuaryFlowers #flowers
#gardening #GardeningMastodon #januaryflowers #flowers #januaryjoy #amaryllis #amaryllisaddict #amarylliscandyfloss
One of my favorite amaryllis blooming now: 'Amadeus Candy': huge, puffy white clouds edged in pink. Just what the doctor ordered.
#JanuaryJoy #Amaryllis #AmaryllisAmadeusCandy #AmaryllisAddict #gardening #GardeningMastodon #HousePlants #plants #JanuaryFlowers #GardenHour
#januaryjoy #amaryllis #amaryllisamadeuscandy #amaryllisaddict #gardening #GardeningMastodon #houseplants #plants #januaryflowers #gardenhour
One of my favorite times of the year: Amaryllis season! I've got a bunch of them this year, including a couple of new ones. There's nothing better than having an indoor garden full of flowers in January and February.
#amaryllis #gardening #gardener #amaryllisaddict #bulbs #bulb #christmasplants #plants #gardendesigner