Let's say you've been offered a bunch of free 50 ohm coax of unknown age, quality, and integrity.
What would you do to test it?
(Inspired by a @N3VEM comment to @HopelessDemigod about borrowing coax - neighbor has offered me some and I have some salvaged from my parents house)
Your Multimeter Might Be Lying To You https://hackaday.com/2023/04/10/your-multimeter-might-be-lying-to-you/ #circuitbehavior #highfrequency #shortcircuit #amaterradio #transformer #continuity #multimeter #ToolHacks #antenna #testing #radio #tools #ham #dc
#circuitbehavior #highfrequency #shortcircuit #amaterradio #transformer #continuity #multimeter #ToolHacks #antenna #testing #radio #tools #ham #dc
Your Multimeter Might Be Lying To You - Multimeters are indispensable tools when working on electronics. It’s almost impos... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/10/your-multimeter-might-be-lying-to-you/ #circuitbehavior #highfrequency #shortcircuit #amaterradio #transformer #continuity #multimeter #toolhacks #antenna #testing #radio #tools #ham #dc
#dc #ham #tools #radio #testing #antenna #toolhacks #multimeter #continuity #transformer #amaterradio #shortcircuit #highfrequency #circuitbehavior
Long-Distance Gaming Over Packet Radio https://hackaday.com/2023/03/27/long-distance-gaming-over-packet-radio/ #colossalcaveadventure #amaterradio #RadioHacks #gaming #packet #pdp-11 #radio #data #ham
#colossalcaveadventure #amaterradio #RadioHacks #gaming #packet #pdp #radio #data #ham
Long-Distance Gaming Over Packet Radio - The amateur radio community often gets stereotyped as a hobby with a minimum age r... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/27/long-distance-gaming-over-packet-radio/ #colossalcaveadventure #amaterradio #radiohacks #gaming #packet #pdp-11 #radio #data #ham
#ham #data #radio #pdp #packet #gaming #radiohacks #amaterradio #colossalcaveadventure
10m ist wieder offen Richtung USA.
Der Repeater aus New York ist gut zu hören.
Am Roger Piep gut zu erkennen.
#Amateurfunk #hamradio #amaterradio #28MHz
#28MHz #amaterradio #hamradio #amateurfunk
Is the resurgence of #MorseCode #CW only limited to the U.S. ? Check out this interview on the #BBC with Howard Bernstein / @LongIslandCW #amaterradio #hamradio #pota #parksontheair #sota #summitsontheair
#SummitsOnTheAir #sota #ParksOnTheAir #pota #hamradio #amaterradio #bbc #cw #morsecode
Okay folks, here's another chance to add Alaska to you #WAS count. Andre is doing a #CW #MorseCode #POTA #Parksontheair activation on 10 meters NOW! #amaterradio #hamradio
#hamradio #amaterradio #ParksOnTheAir #pota #morsecode #cw #was
Knocked out 20 QSOs in under an hour on 10m FT4. Picked up a few new grid squares too! #AmaterRadio #HamRadio