JevidL (KE8DET) · @jevidl
140 followers · 394 posts · Server

Stayed up too late kicking off a 3d print for an enclosure that will hold two telescoping dipoles that should work for all frequencies between (maybe) 20m through 2m. Happy this hits so many technician friendly bands!

It is designed to mount to a 1.5” mast, and easily move between horizontal and vertical polarization.

Wish me luck, this is a 12 hour print and will need approximately half a role of filament; here’s hoping I got it right!

#amatuerradio #antennadiy #3dprinting #3dmodeling

Last updated 1 year ago

Adam - K3CAN · @K3can
20 followers · 34 posts · Server

Received a letter today, allegedly from DMR-MARC, libeling some guy named Ken for "whoring" out Motorola radios.

According to the letter, Ken got in an argument with someone on Facebook, and evidently the DMR-MARC organization is now involved in a letter campaign to let the world know that Ken was a bad child, is a bad adult, and should be banned from ham radio.

It's like having Facebook delivered to my doorstep.

We're better than this, no?


#HamRadio #amatuerradio #dmr

Last updated 1 year ago

JevidL (KE8DET) · @jevidl
134 followers · 344 posts · Server

I was informed by the NWS that they will get a report of new spotters on the 1st and 15th, and that my area doesn’t assign spotter IDs.

If I don’t have an email with more details by the 8th I should reach out. so, for my area, pretty trivial to become a spotter at any time!

#hamradio #skywarn #amatuerradio

Last updated 1 year ago

Tony M5OTA · @M5OTA
88 followers · 243 posts · Server

Back to Picota EA1/CT-101 for more fun this morning. Tried the on 40m for the first time, but wouldn’t get a good tune - suspect there is a longer radial I forgot about. Weirdly wouldn’t tune on 20m either, even though it did fine in the same spot a few days ago? After some faffing resorted to EFRW on the old fortifications wall and ground. Few contacts round Europe and some S2S action. Home via the coffee shop.

#SOTA #elecraftax1 #SummitsOnTheAir #amatuerradio #HamRadio #morsecode

Last updated 1 year ago

Tony M5OTA · @M5OTA
85 followers · 239 posts · Server

Turns out the next accommodation on our Spain holiday also has a summit a short hike away, what are the chances? ;-)
This time La Picota EA1/CT-101. and combo and getting me a few contacts round Europe on 20M and 17M.
Hope to be back there again before our week is up.

#SOTA #elecraftkx2 #elecraftax1 #morsecode #SummitsOnTheAir #amatuerradio #HamRadio

Last updated 1 year ago

Nathan A Harig · @nathanharig
150 followers · 481 posts · Server

Normally using Dipoles, but I own a Superantenna wanted to know- with the radials, if I elevate the antenna on the mast is it ok to just have them hanging down? Some of them are pretty short...

#amatuerradio #hamradio

Last updated 2 years ago

sparseMatrix ✅✅ 📻 · @sparseMatrix
168 followers · 3412 posts · Server

So I just downloaded and installed the latest (2022) revision of something called

This is the evolution of the Antenna Design/Simulation/Optimization software. The original was in fortran; this revision is in C and runs well with X on a linux desktop.

What a frigging mess, from an interface perspective. The documentation could use a bit of work as well.

Not to be terribly critical, just making this observation as a first impression.

This piece of work may have a long and storied history, and it may be taking on the patina of age; but one sure way to let your technology slide off into obscurity is to put your tools on a shelf and worship them instead of using and improving them over time.

Lets do a python version, with a proper modern UX, some help that does more than simply describe the software, but rather works as a living reference with a few simple wizards for the novice.

#xnec2c #arrl #amatuerradio #radio #hamradio #antennadesign

Last updated 2 years ago

W4BBP - Brandon · @W4BBP
5 followers · 4 posts · Server

Just got through a pile up into the Czech Republic from Ga for my first phone contact of the day. Always amazed at what you can do with an old radio and some wire.

#HamRadio #amatuerradio #winterfieldday

Last updated 2 years ago

Some of my infosec friendos are currently passing around this browser based circuit simulator:

#hamradio #amatuerradio #amateur #radio

Last updated 2 years ago

sparseMatrix · @sparseMatrix
34 followers · 815 posts · Server

So wgy am I goofin' around in here now, if I got all this radio stuff on the front burners?

I'm waiting on the this rasp pi 4 to finish building the latest GNURadio suite from source.

it's presently at 93% complete.

#amatuerradio #hamradio

Last updated 2 years ago

sparseMatrix · @sparseMatrix
33 followers · 814 posts · Server

Where am I today?

Taking a little time to advance my radio game, that's where! I last left off with the purchase and reveicer testing of a Great Scott Gadgets HackRF One. It's a real low power SDR transmitter/receiver. It should do 10m - 2m work with the dipole antenna I made in the attic, at about a half watt.

When I get my shit together on it, I'll add some late stage amplification so I can get some legs.

Good Times!

I love messin' with radios!

#amatuerradio #ham

Last updated 2 years ago

· @darkfrog
28 followers · 155 posts · Server

Practicing sending morse code using my radio as an oscillator. I was transmitting at 5W (as low as it goes) on a quiet frequency on the worst band I could find at the time using the one-way communication exception for code practice. Before I could send my callsign, I had it programmed in the keyer so I could still ID.

Looked in the manual for something else and found the setting to just use the radio as an oscillator. 🤦 They don't call it amateur radio for nothing.

#amatuerradio #hamradio

Last updated 2 years ago

· @darkfrog
28 followers · 155 posts · Server

It's an adapter that takes one 1/8 microphone connector and one 1/4 stereo connector for PTT and connects them to the RJ45 port on my . It also has a resistor and capacitor to feed power to the electret mic and filter the dc voltage out of the audio input. I have it working now, but it's a mess - I used 1/4 to 1/8 (and vice versa) adapters (cheaper), but the audio level is coming through too high and this set up is *hard* to modify.


Last updated 2 years ago

· @darkfrog
28 followers · 155 posts · Server

The next time my elmer asks me what the appeal of FT8 is, I'm going to tell him that sometimes I turn on my radio and it is tuned to 7200khz and it makes me not want to talk to anyone.


Last updated 2 years ago