#CharlesDeFoucauld #DictionnaireTouareg news: I have finished proofreading section F ⴼ (pp. 294–374)!
(The section is currently split in a way I’m not happy with. This may change soon.)
#Tuareg #Berber #amazigh #dictionnairetouareg #CharlesdeFoucauld
Behind Mohammed VI’s push for a more #Amazigh #Morocco @morocco
#كريمة_غيث تغني بـ #الأمازيغية
Karima Gouit sings in #Amazigh - Tassanou
#أغنية #song #amazigh #الأمازيغية #كريمة_غيث
Brahim El Guabli: I recently discovered #Amazigh poet Lahoucine Ajgoun. His poem “gar tawargit” (A bad dream) contains a strong reflection on the little-known history of immigration from the southeast of Morocco in the 1960s. He gestures to the process of migration and its societal changes. @morocco
Zouhir (Twitter): Sharing few words from the #Amazigh vocabulary. Like if you would like to see more of these post.
Submissions for the 2023 #Amazigh Film Festival in Boston are now OPEN
Mijn grootmoeder noemde me toen ik klein was soms “Mellala”. Wist nooit precies wat het betekende. Tot vandaag.
Droeg het als een soort geuzennaam, want kende verder niemand die zo heette, behalve een kitten.
#Amazigh ⵣ
Best #Amazigh songs. https://twitter.com/amddadesu/status/1621168477531934722?s=12&t=9Z6bWE45857hsf8UFSLmCA
Etymology of amazigh towns: Tataouine
This reminds most people of the arid Star Wars planet Tatooine, but the name suggests the opposite, as it means "springs" ⵜⴰⵟⵟⴰⵡⵉⵏ.
It's again a synonym of "eyes", and we find this double meaning in other afro-asiatic languages.
Of course the similarity to Tatooine is not a coincidence. The planet was filmed in Tunisia close to a place also called Tataouine!
The French called Tataouine also "la porte du désert" - gate into the dessert.
#starWars #amazigh
From @essencedeatlas on Twitter L'#Action des #Français a permis la #Libération des #Amazigh (#Berbère) de #Libye.
L'artiste Dania Ben Sassi chante le Chant de la #Révolution Berbère « Tagrawla » (ⵜⴰⴳⵔⴰⵡⵍⴰ).
Tandis que des clans bahatistes Algériens emprisonnent et torturent des #militants #Kabyles. https://twitter.com/essencedeatlas/status/1617308025328439296?s=12&t=5sArZCo-dIhJbd7indXUyA
#action #francais #liberation #amazigh #berbere #libye #revolution #militants #kabyles
❤ BENAHOARE, nombre amazigh de la isla bonita, con sus 12 bandos soberanos en 1492 a la llegada de los castellanos. independientes. Al frente de cada uno de ellos se encontraba uno, dos y hasta tres menceyes, señores o capitanes.
El autor de la ilustración es el diseñador palmero Juan Alberto Fernández.
#benahoare #benahoarelapalma #pueblocanario #guanche #amazigh #toponimiacanaria #toponimiaguanche #toponimiaamazigh #nombresguanches
#nombresguanches #toponimiaamazigh #toponimiaguanche #toponimiacanaria #amazigh #guanche #pueblocanario #benahoarelapalma #benahoare
Happy Amazigh New Year 2973!
Amazigh people , the indigenous inhabitants of Morocco and North Africa, are celebrating the Amazigh new year, Yennayer, today. It is celebrated with parades and festive meals. It is a good time to remember the rich pre-islamic and pre-arabic history of the region.
#yennayer #Indigenous #amazigh #History #algeria #morocco
RT @SolidaryW@twitter.com
Aprovechamos el comienzo del nuevo año #2023 y del #Yennayer 2973, que se celebra durante esta semana en Melilla y en muchas otras localidades #amazigh, para compartir los objetivos que nos hemos marcado para este año 👇
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SolidaryW/status/1612811973938352128
Addendum: The #Amazigh (AKA #Berber) people use a variant of the #JulianCalendar to date traditional festivals; in this calendar, #LeapDay is added to the last month rather than the second one. Amazigh in #Morocco and #Libya celebrate traditional New Year the day after those in #Algeria, where it is a national holiday.
#amazigh #berber #JulianCalendar #leapday #morocco #libya #algeria
Arabs ruled North Africa/Maghreb for a shorter period (709-740) than French colonialism in North Africa (1848-1962), yet had a far more lasting impact.
#history #africa #NorthAfrica #maghreb #andeel #arab #arabs #caliphate #amazigh #france #french #colonialism #imperialism #culture #morocco #algeria #tunisia #saturday #NewYearWeekend #NewYearsEve2022
#history #africa #northafrica #maghreb #andeel #arab #arabs #caliphate #amazigh #france #french #colonialism #imperialism #culture #morocco #algeria #tunisia #saturday #newyearweekend #newyearseve2022
Audrey asked me something like, "A tribute to their #Amazigh heritage, but at the end of the world." Idk if I quite managed it but I like this a lot, and so do they. A bit #Dune inspired.
#DigitalArt #cyberpunk #dystopian #illustration #comicbook #dessert #magic #SciFi
#SciFi #magic #dessert #comicbook #illustration #dystopian #cyberpunk #DigitalArt #dune #amazigh