L & D 404 · @ID404ATL
43 followers · 60 posts · Server mastodon.world

Well this is a first. Seems to be an outage across North America. 🤔

#amazon #amazonDown

Last updated 2 years ago

Cloudflare uses last we checked (rather than the Google product that trains their ).

hCaptcha is part of the centralised that operates mostly over Cf and (evidenced by numerable sources incl latest ).

hCaptcha was made in response to Google workers only wanting to train and not (no diff really). That's why ships, planes and protestors w umbrellas on hCaptcha.



#hCaptcha #recaptcha #autonomousDrones #etheriumScam #amazon #amazonDown #waymo #militaryDrones

Last updated 3 years ago

In light of , we find it fascinating how alleged journalists can wax on about being too big and a . Then they proceed to literally name the next largest cloud-service providers as being Microsoft and even Oracle!

There's a elephant is in the news room.

#amazonDown #aws #singlepointoffailure #cloudflare #forcedNews #fakenews

Last updated 3 years ago

One way to avoid a Central-Point-of-Man-In-the-Middle-Attack-as-a-Service is to use something like @MitiGator@101010.pl.

#amazonDown #CPoMitMAaaS #CPoMitMaaS

Last updated 3 years ago