Want to do simpler, safer, and faster updates on Amazon RDS? Then this is something for you! Join Wojciech Gawronski and I when we look at Blue/Green Deployments this Monday!
Live on https://twitch.tv/aws and YouTube Feb 27, 14-15 CET!
If you use #AmazonRDS, you need to check your #Snapshot #visibility: https://thehackernews.com/2022/11/researchers-discover-hundreds-of-amazon.html?_m=3n%2e009a%2e2890%2evo0ao07ax6%2e1ux4
#amazonrds #snapshot #visibility
RT @mariadb@twitter.com
Let’s go further than #AmazonRDS — go to infinity and beyond with #MariaDB #SkySQL!
Learn how you can pursue a multi-cloud strategy with higher levels of scale with MariaDB. 🎥