Just realized - we used to spend a significant amount of money each month with #amazon and it was easy to justify because of #AmazonSmile. With that gone our purchases through Amazon have dropped to about 1/10th of what they were. That little perk held so much justification for not finding alternatives.
Just realized - we used to spend a significant amount of money each month with #amazon and it was easy to justify because of #AmazonSmile. With that gone our purchases through Amazon have dropped to about 1/10th of what they were. That little perk held so much justification for not finding alternatives.
#idea: a browser plug in that shows you local shopping options when viewing product pages or search results on #Amazon
Since Amazon discontinued their #AmazonSmile program I've been making an effort to shop their site as little as possible, but I still use it to browse before shopping as locally as possible. Are there any existing browser extensions or other tools that make this approach easier?
Amazon permanently shut down the #AmazonSmile customer donation program on Feb. 20, 2023.
Amazon has announced that it is discontinuing its #AmazonSmile program, which allows a portion of every purchase to go to charity. The inability to #Smile comes as no shock to #Amazon employees.
I guess now #AmazonSmile is going away I can finally turn off push notifications and the regular âwe thought youâd like âŠâ
If they offered me a new #RaspberryPi sensor each time Iâd be down for but they seem oddly interested in supplying me mundane household stuff (a symptom of my mundane purchase history probs)
With Amazon Smile going the way of the dinosaur, does anyone have experience with DealAid? How have you found it?
Asking for a friend who works for a non-profit who isn't on Mastodon yet. (We're working on it.) I'll pass replies on. Thank you!
With Amazon Smile going the way of the dinosaur, does anyone have experience with DealAid? How have you found it?
Asking for a friend who works for a non-profit who isn't on Mastodon yet. (We're working on it.) I'll pass replies on. Thank you!
Ich bin gerade sauer.
#Amazon beendet #AmazonSmile zum 20.2.23. đĄ Angeblich (haha) wĂŒrden sie noch irgendwas/irgendwen unterstĂŒtzen, aber ich kann nun nicht mehr bestimmen, wen ICH unterstĂŒtzen will.
PS: Ja, ich weiss: Amazon... Aber fĂŒr mich hier in der TĂŒrkei ist es die einzige Möglichkeit. an deutschen Lesestoff zu kommen. Leider vor Urzeiten drauf festgelegt. Ich hatte bis vor Kurzem noch einen der allerersten Kindles - damals gab es noch keine anderen E-Book-Reader.
Sad that Amazonâs philanthropic arm, AmazonSmile, will be closing down later in February. It was such an easy way to support nonprofits. Right?
#AmazonSmile #philanthropy
It's sad to learn that #AmazonSmile is stopping donating to charities. It's even more depressing to learn that the program was never designed to be as generous as it was presented, but to fuck over Google and have to pay that company less in referral fees.
Amazon stellt die UnterstĂŒtzung von gemeinnĂŒtzigen Initiativen durch das Programm AmazonSmile ein. Auch das KOM-IN-Netzwerk hatte daran teilgenommen.
Auf unserer Spenden-Seite sind jedoch auch andere Möglichkeiten zu finden um unsere Dienste fĂŒr blinde Menschen zu unterstĂŒtzen. Besonders dankbar sind wir fĂŒr regelmĂ€Ăige Spenden. Auch Lastschriften sind möglich. Kontaktiert uns bei Fragen gern.
#Support #UnterstĂŒtzung #Spenden #GemeinnĂŒtzigkeit #Amazon #AmazonSmile
#support #unterstutzung #spenden #gemeinnutzigkeit #amazon #amazonsmile
Amazon has announced that it is discontinuing its #AmazonSmile program, which allows a portion of every purchase to go to charity. The inability to #Smile comes as no shock to #Amazon employees.
Since Amazon announced the end of the #AmazonSmile program, I've been turning to eBay for some online purchases. It turns out that eBay can be quite good for used books!
For purposes of detaching more from Amazon, I'm wondering what other vendors people like, especially for books and #used goods.
So #Amazon are shutting down their #AmazonSmile at in Feb. So many charities are going to loose out. - Bad news - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-64397651
Hey folks. Iâm interested in everyoneâs suggestions on their favorite alternatives to shopping on #amazon. I should have stopped shopping with them a long time ago, but I didnât. However, their recent decision the eliminate the #AmazonSmile program has me pretty disgusted, and I donât think Iâm going to renew my Prime membership when itâs up soon. I try to shop local when I can, and I donât mind paying a little extra, but any recommendations on comparable alternatives would be greatly appreciated, even if it means going to Site X for housewares and Site Y for electronics, etc.
British charities on the impact the soon to close #AmazonSmile programme has had. As one charity says, #Amazon hasnât asked them what the impact has been before announcing that #AmazonSmile wasnât having the intended impact.
AmazonSmile closes: Charities say they will suffer https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-64397651
AmazonSmile closes: Charities say they will suffer
#amazon #amazonsmile #charity #charities
It should come as no surprise that #AmazonSmile is going by the wayside. It was never in good faith, or to help charities. It was simply a market play in an attempt to drive people away from using #Google to search for products, and link them directly instead. #Amazon doesnât give a damn about anyone besides Amazon. Period.