I started using Sanatana Dharma to stop Sangh Parivar groups from twisting my words as an attack on Hindu beliefs: Thirumavalavan
While Sports Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin’s recent comments about “eradicating Sanatana Dharma” have snowballed into a political controversy, it was VCK founder Thol. Thirumavalavan who had enshrined Sanatana Dharma in the lexicon of Tamil Nadu’s political discourse over the past five years.
#TamilNadu #TholThirumavalavan #VCK #SanatanaDharma #brahminism #UdayanidhiStalin #DMK #hinduism #BRAmbedkar #EVRPeriyar #ambedkar #periyar #RSS #BJP #hindutva #CasteDiscrimination #caste #HinduScriptures #SanatanDharmaRow #india
#tamilnadu #tholthirumavalavan #VCK #sanatanadharma #brahminism #udayanidhistalin #DMK #Hinduism #BRAmbedkar #evrperiyar #ambedkar #periyar #RSS #BJP #hindutva #castediscrimination #caste #hinduscriptures #sanatandharmarow #india
Caste and city: Focus of Ambedkar group
Discrimination faced at work and during house hunting drove four friends to start a forum.
#karnataka #bangalore #bengaluru #AmbedkarReadingCircle #SocialJustice #BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #caste #dalits #HumanRights #india
#karnataka #bangalore #bengaluru #ambedkarreadingcircle #socialjustice #BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #caste #dalits #humanrights #india
Gaddar: We shall not look upon his likes again
A revolutionary bard, his songs echoed the lives and struggles of the people.
#gaddar #GummadiVittalRao #PWG #naxalism #telangana #marxism #BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #dalits #arts #FolkArts #india #books #bookstodon #obituary
#gaddar #gummadivittalrao #pwg #naxalism #Telangana #marxism #BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #dalits #arts #folkarts #india #books #bookstodon #obituary
The Awakening of Indian Women Book Launch (online)
Ambedkar in London (online & in person) https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-life-and-thought-of-dr-b-r-ambedkar-in-london-tickets-675931277647?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
Archives to stage (in person) https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/from-the-archives-to-the-stage-workshop-at-lse-library-tickets-671350095207?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
Leave to Remain: a snapshot of Brexit (online & in person) https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/leave-to-remain-a-snapshot-of-brexit-tickets-690739740157?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
Refugees: Britain’s response & the global situation https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/refugees-britains-response-and-the-global-situation-tickets-690038653187?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
#brexit #india #ambedkar #histodons #history #archives #drama #refugees #southasia #london #libraries #labour
#brexit #india #ambedkar #histodons #history #archives #drama #refugees #SouthAsia #london #libraries #labour
Who gets to write about Ambedkar?
Six new reappraisals show the gulf between Dalit-Bahujan and anglophone writing on B R Ambedkar. Harish S Wankhede writes.
#BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #biography #history #dalits #bahujan #ambedkarites #SocialJustice #caste #SavitaAmbedkar #DhananjayKeer #ChristopheJaffrelot #GailOmvedt #ValerianRodrigues #buddhism #JohnDewey #ScottRStroud #WilliamGould #SantoshDass #ShashiTharoor #books #bookstodon #india #activism
#BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #biography #history #dalits #bahujan #ambedkarites #socialjustice #caste #savitaambedkar #dhananjaykeer #christophejaffrelot #gailomvedt #valerianrodrigues #buddhism #JohnDewey #scottrstroud #williamgould #santoshdass #ShashiTharoor #books #bookstodon #india #activism
We're organising a free event relating to Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar's time in London. In person (London) or online, October 2023.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-life-and-thought-of-dr-b-r-ambedkar-in-london-tickets-675931277647?aff=oddtdtcreator
#Ambedkar #SouthAsia #India #Ambedkarite #London #LSE #histodons #history
#ambedkar #SouthAsia #india #ambedkarite #london #lse #histodons #history
A new biography of Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar is always a special event. It highlights the movements that shaped #Ambedkar which led him to launch the Mahad satyagraha for India’s disadvantaged classes, writes Uma Mahadevan-Dasgupta.
#introduction post
I'm daniel and I'm the politics curator working at the Library of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK.
I do engagement work with archives. I'm also a librarian & working towards archivist registration with the ARA.
I like psychoanalysis, italian, archives & words.
#archives #libraries #curator #GLAM #history #politics #internationalism #Ambedkar #activism #socialism #peace #OralHistories #Lansbury #italiano #psychoanalysis #ara #LSE
#introduction #archives #libraries #curator #glam #history #politics #Internationalism #ambedkar #activism #socialism #peace #oralhistories #Lansbury #italiano #psychoanalysis #ara #lse
@sofista ma tu sei un grande che parli di Ambedkar. nel link dell'editore assurdamente citano i PhD ma non dicono che lui apparteneva ai #Dalit cioè ai fuori-casta, a quelli che lavorano nelle fogne, gli "intoccabili" nel senso che le caste superiori si schifano a toccarli. Lui era pragmatico quindi rifiutando le caste promosse conversioni di massa al buddhismo dove le caste non ci sono. Sei il primo qui che vedo parlare di #Ambedkar , dobbiamo discuterne friggendo #samosa al più presto
Delhi University wants the word ‘Hindu’ dropped from titles of two chapters on BR Ambedkar
Several academics condemned the proposal and alleged it was part of a concerted effort to purge curriculums of content unpalatable to Hindutva ideologues.
#DelhiUniversity #BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #caste #SocialJustice #history #philosophy #hinduism #education #censorship #hindutva #casteism #india
#delhiuniversity #BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #caste #socialjustice #history #philosophy #Hinduism #education #censorship #hindutva #casteism #india
Proposal to drop Ambedkar course: DU Standing Committee meets, recommends options
The Standing Committee on Tuesday recommended papers on B R Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi and Swami Vivekananda and suggested the addition of two papers. The Academic Council will take a call on May 26.
#DelhiUniversity #BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #education #philosophy #NEP2020 #delhi #india
#delhiuniversity #BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #education #philosophy #NEP2020 #delhi #india
" #Delhi University panel proposes to drop course on #ambedkar "
check the post im replying to for more details.
#delhi #ambedkar #mastindia #mastodonindians
Delhi University panel proposes to drop course on Ambedkar, Philosophy dept opposes
The Standing Committee’s suggestion came as part of the curriculum review being undertaken, based on the National Education Policy 2020.
#DelhiUniversity #ambedkar #NationalEducationPolicy #NEP2020 #education #SocialJustice #caste #history #BJP #india
#delhiuniversity #ambedkar #nationaleducationpolicy #NEP2020 #education #socialjustice #caste #history #BJP #india
কার্ল মার্কসের জন্মদিবসে দলিত আন্দোলনের সঙ্গে ভারতের কমিউনিস্টদের সম্পর্ক নিয়ে তাঁর লেখার সমালোচনার জবাবে কলম ধরলেন শংকর #dalit #ambedkar #ambedkarites #karlmarx #communist
#dalit #ambedkar #ambedkarites #karlmarx #communist
"Happy Republic Day
आप सभी को गणतन्त्र दिवस की बोहोत शुभकामनाएँ, जय हिन्द🙏🇮🇳"
Sourabh's #RepublicDay message:
🐦 https://twitter.com/saurabhraajjain/status/1618456996986126337
"Such a proud feeling as an Indian…..diversity, culture, might, strength, power and so much more"
His words on the #RepublicDayParade:
🐦 https://twitter.com/saurabhraajjain/status/1618487857437609984
#Ambedkar #ConstitutionOfIndia #India #Indian #JaiHind #RepublicDay2023 #SourabhRaajJain #SRJ #SRJThoughts
#srjthoughts #SRJ #SourabhRaajJain #republicday2023 #jaihind #indian #india #constitutionofindia #ambedkar #RepublicDayparade #RepublicDay
আম্বেদকর বনাম কমিউনিস্ট বিতর্ক নিয়ে শংকরের লেখার শেষাংশ #ambedkar #communist @bengali_convo
Thousands embrace Buddhism in event organised by Dalit body
According to the orgnisation, around 10,000 people embraced Buddhism at the event. The rally was carried out in the city as people from various parts of the state arrived in private buses and other vehicles.
#gujarat #gandhinagar #dalits #buddhism #dalit #caste #conversions #SocialJustice #SSD #ambedkar #hinduism #CssteDiscrimination #india
#gujarat #gandhinagar #dalits #buddhism #dalit #caste #conversions #socialjustice #ssd #ambedkar #Hinduism #csstediscrimination #india
Senior Congress leader Kumari Selja said that the govt only pretends to respect the former politician and social reformer, but doesn’t actually respect democracy or Baba Saheb #Ambedkar’s values.
https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/senior-congress-leader-kumari-selja-criticizes-government-s-treatment-of-ambedkar-s-values-bjp-plans-booth-level-celebrations-for-ambedkar-jayanti-101681474417506.html #press
How BR Ambedkar has become a global icon in the fight against injustice
The mobilisations by Dalit Ambedkarite diaspora in the West have received support from other socially marginalised communities and minority groups.
#ambedkar #SocialJustice #caste #dalits #AntiCasteMovement #casteism #diaspora #CasteDiscrimination #hindutva #HumanRights #racism #india #UnitedStates
#ambedkar #socialjustice #caste #dalits #anticastemovement #casteism #diaspora #castediscrimination #hindutva #humanrights #racism #india #unitedstates