Who gets to write about Ambedkar?
Six new reappraisals show the gulf between Dalit-Bahujan and anglophone writing on B R Ambedkar. Harish S Wankhede writes.
#BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #biography #history #dalits #bahujan #ambedkarites #SocialJustice #caste #SavitaAmbedkar #DhananjayKeer #ChristopheJaffrelot #GailOmvedt #ValerianRodrigues #buddhism #JohnDewey #ScottRStroud #WilliamGould #SantoshDass #ShashiTharoor #books #bookstodon #india #activism
#BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #biography #history #dalits #bahujan #ambedkarites #socialjustice #caste #savitaambedkar #dhananjaykeer #christophejaffrelot #gailomvedt #valerianrodrigues #buddhism #JohnDewey #scottrstroud #williamgould #santoshdass #ShashiTharoor #books #bookstodon #india #activism
কার্ল মার্কসের জন্মদিবসে দলিত আন্দোলনের সঙ্গে ভারতের কমিউনিস্টদের সম্পর্ক নিয়ে তাঁর লেখার সমালোচনার জবাবে কলম ধরলেন শংকর #dalit #ambedkar #ambedkarites #karlmarx #communist
#dalit #ambedkar #ambedkarites #karlmarx #communist
Anand Teltumbde Explains the Genesis of His Articles on Bhima-Koregaon
Instead of addressing the pathetic condition of Dalits, many Ambedkarites are busy promoting a devotional cult of Babasaheb, hollowing out his radical content and helping the ruling classes exploit his legacy.
#AnandTeltumbde #BhimaKoregaon #ElgarParishad #ambedkar #ambedkarites #dalits #maharashtra #india
#AnandTeltumbde #bhimakoregaon #elgarparishad #ambedkar #ambedkarites #dalits #maharashtra #india
Ground report: The political conspiracy behind the mob attack on a Dalit man in Telangana
Mettli Naresh, a Dalit man from Telangana’s Vikarabad district, was attacked by a mob of more than 200 Shiva devotees who surrounded a police station and assaulted him until he fell unconscious.
#telangana #vikarabad #dalits #dalit #madiga #yadav #goud #mudiraj #lynching #casteism #brahminism #caste #ambedkar #ambedkarites #hindutva #HinduYuvaVahini #CasteViolence #CommunalViolence #india
#Telangana #vikarabad #dalits #dalit #madiga #yadav #goud #mudiraj #lynching #casteism #brahminism #caste #ambedkar #ambedkarites #hindutva #hinduyuvavahini #casteviolence #communalviolence #india
Not only the BJP: Why Ambedkarites also oppose the collegium system
Dalit and Adivasi activists say that the collegium system of judges’ appointment has led to minuscule representation from backward communities.
“Collegium has proved inefficient with the idea of diversity,” said author and Dalit scholar Suraj Yengde. “It has been nepotistic.”
#collegium #dalit #dalits #adivasi #IndianJudiciary #BJP #ambedkarites #caste #casteism #india
#collegium #dalit #dalits #adivasi #indianjudiciary #BJP #ambedkarites #caste #casteism #india
Rajasthan Police Know Manusmriti, Not Bhagwad Gita, Was Burnt But Ambedkarites Remain in Jail
The Barmer police, yielding under pressure from several caste Hindu outfits, took action against anti-caste activists who hold the same peaceful event every year.
#casteism #ambedkarites #manusmriti #rajasthan #barmer #RajasthanPolice #law #HumanRights #FreedomOfSpeech #hinduism #hindutva #MastIndia #india
#casteism #ambedkarites #manusmriti #rajasthan #barmer #rajasthanpolice #law #humanrights #freedomofspeech #Hinduism #hindutva #mastindia #india