@eniko @Njord I played #AmberDiceless with a small group for a while and loved it a great many years ago. (What do you mean "skew older"!?!) Also played it play-by-email (see, not so much skewed). It plays well both ways. I still have the book.
I love the world of Amber. Haven't played the game in over a decade. Didn't know anyone even remembered it anymore. .. which is to say, yes, I have played #AmberDiceless quite a bit!
@LeviKornelsen I help run a boutique gaming convention focusing on diceless and Indy RPGs in Metro Detroit, Ambercon US. I play Amber, Everyway, and just about anything else that someone makes interesting and not rules heavy. I really enjoy games where questions are explored but not necessarily answered.
I haven't been posting much here about role playing because I'm too busy gardening. But maybe someday.
#eotpt #lordsofgossamerandshadow #amberway #coyoteandcrow #everway #amberdiceless
@johbri #AmberDiceless leaned into that at least somewhat, as the PCs, rather than having static ability scores, were simply ranked in relation to each other.
#AmberDiceless You play a god. You can go anywhere, do anything in the whole multiverse. Almost. Because the rest of your F*ing family are gods too, and they just won't stop interfering. *Character generation* sets you at each other's throats, and you'll never look back. (Seriously - the absolute value of your attributes don't matter. All that matters is your rank amongst the rest of the family. The attribute auction process set storylines in motion that lasted us YEARS.)
@Yora When the story calls for it. And no, it shouldn't be used in every situation, that would indeed cross the line into simple cooperative storytelling. (Although, if you want a great example of diceless role-playing, check out #AmberDiceless.)
But part of being a good GM, in my opinion, is knowing when the result of a random die roll will do more harm than good to the story. Note: not the characters, not the group, the STORY.
@vitruvianmeeple You're one of the few people I've run across that even know about #AmberDiceless. I always enjoyed that system, even if it had some issues. Did you ever see the Lords of Gossamer & Shadow campaign on Kickstarter? It was a spiritual sequel to the system.
5. TTRPG you've played the most: I'm sensing a pattern here... I believe it would be #AmberDiceless off and on over the decades. Though usually running more than as a player.
4. First TTRPG you bought from its creator: This question confuses me because of how many ttrpgs are published. Any of the games I've purchased could be from its creator if they get paid. The one that stands out to me most may be Erick Wujcik for #TMNTandOtherStrangeness or #AmberDiceless RPG.
If we are talking about indie games then I might say #SwashbucklersOfThe7Skies or #DogsInTheVineyard as I was late to the Forge party.
#gtkm #ttrpg #tmntandotherstrangeness #amberdiceless #swashbucklersofthe7skies #dogsinthevineyard
Okay. #7TTRPGs that influenced me!
#AmberDiceless - VERY formative for me in learning to GM
#Deadlands - opened up more genres for me
#InSpectres - how I discovered the joy of players defining things
#DontRestYourHead - got me more into collaborative scenario creation
#Fiasco - my introduction to GMless games
#LadyBlackbird - opened up more effective ideas for prompt-based improv for me
#PbtA (in general) - got me thinking in terms of the story driving the rolls instead of vice/versa
#7ttrpgs #amberdiceless #deadlands #InSpectres #dontrestyourhead #Fiasco #ladyblackbird #pbta
I love colorful #dice as much as anyone, and I usually try to find interesting #GameMechanics to utilize them. But I do enjoy #AmberDiceless role-playing , by #Wujcik , based on #Zelazny and the #ChroniclesOfAmber , and am considering a #Foundry game once a month or so.
#dice #gamemechanics #amberdiceless #wujcik #zelazny #chroniclesofamber #Foundry
Is the world of non-D&D roleplaying games just doomed to always live in the shadow of Mount Doom? #Chaosium #Traveler #GURPS #Fate #SWADE #Whitewolf #Paladium #RoleMaster #AmberDiceless #BladesInTheDark #Champions #FoundryVTT
#chaosium #traveler #gurps #fate #swade #whitewolf #Paladium #Rolemaster #amberdiceless #bladesinthedark #champions #foundryvtt
#inroduction 2/-
#horrorrpg #CallofCthulhu (currently absorbing 40th anniversary) #Bureau13, #BrindlewoodBay, #Dread, #iHunt, #CastingtheRunes, #Ecoterrorists, #TheYellowKing, #DeltaGreen , #CthulhuDark, #FateofCthulhu
Conspiracy/Urban Fantasy - #OvertheEdge, #UnknownArmies, #Nobilis/ #Chuubo, #ArsMagica, #amberdiceless, #IronKingdoms #RedMarkets, #Spire
Others - #Capers, #ICONS, #MSHRPG, #ORE, #Cyberpunk2020/ #CyberpunkRED , #Deadlands, #HauntedWest
Others just ask!
#inroduction #horrorrpg #callofcthulhu #bureau13 #BrindlewoodBay #dread #ihunt #CastingTheRunes #ecoterrorists #TheYellowKing #deltagreen #CthulhuDark #FateofCthulhu #overtheedge #UnknownArmies #nobilis #chuubo #arsmagica #amberdiceless #IronKingdoms #RedMarkets #Spire #capers #icons #mshrpg #ore #cyberpunk2020 #CyberpunkRED #deadlands #HauntedWest